

作者:2022-03-09 11:04:370




高分句式一 —— 短句拉长


虽然《考试大纲》没有明确规定考研作文中长句的长度和数量,但是基于考研作文实战的需要,考生需要有一种“长句设置”意识,即通过在文中设置若干个长句,向阅卷者展示考生对于复杂语言的掌握能力,从而征服阅卷者的心,获得满意的分数。 短句拉长的写作要领:




例1、Officials have built highways.(4个单词)

In recent years, the responsible, hard-working and warm-hearted officials have built a great number of highways which have brought much convenience to the local citizens. (拉长后25单词)


1)在句首,加上时间状语in recent yeas

2)在名词officials前面加上responsible, hard-working, warm-hearted 三个形容词修饰它

3)在名词highways 后面加上定语从句which have brought much convenience to the local citizens.

例2、Factories have discharged gas and liquid.(6个单词)

With a view to preserve the marine resources, the newly-built chemical factories have discharged harmful and even poisonous gas and liquid which had a seriously negatively impact on the surrounding environment.(拉长后31个单词)


1) 在句首,加上目的状语With a view to preserve the marine resources

2) 在名词factories前面加上两个修饰形容词newly-built和chemical

3) 在名词gas and liquid 后面上加上一个定语从句which had a seriously negatively impact on the surrounding environment.



Ancient men made tools of stone. For instance, they always used flint because it is easier to shape than other kinds. (不使用插入语)

Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because it is easier to shape than other kinds. (使用插入语)











例1:副词插入——frankly, especially, fortunately, indeed, however


Tourism, frankly, may promote the mutual understanding among nations.

例2:短语插入语 ——generally speaking(总的来说), to tell the truth(老实说), in a sense(在某种意义上讲),in a word (总而言之), strange to say(说来奇怪)“总而言之,家长不该无视电脑游戏对小孩的副作用。”

Parents, in a word, should never lose sight of the side-effects of computer games on their children.

例3:短句插入语——I suppose, as I see it, I believe, what is important(重要的是). “重要的是,环境对人的性格有深远影响。”

Personality, what is important, has a far-reaching influence on one’s personality. 高分句式三——并列修辞


凯撒:I came, I saw, I conquered.


培根:Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.


林肯的政治抱负:a government of the people, by the people and for the people. (民有,民治,民享的政府)



用and或者or 连接两个词性相同,意思相近的单词,就构成了并列修辞。

比如:give support and assistance to?

?benefit from the education and instruction.

?develop and promote the economic growth.


1)The American girl,dressed in traditional Chinese costume and ornaments,indicates and symbolizes the multinational communication of cultures and customs.(选自2002年考研作文真题,一句话包含三处并列修辞)

2)It goes without saying that the drawings aim at revealing a common and serious problem in China: how to educate and cultivate the young. Let’s take a closer look at the drawings. In an ideal condition, the flower blooms. But when moved out of the green house, it perishes under the rain and storm. It is obvious that the flower in greenhouse can’t withstand wind and rains.(选自2003年考研作文真题,一个段落包含四处并列修辞)








框架结构住宅是指以钢筋混凝土浇捣成承重梁柱,再用预制的加气混凝土、膨胀珍珠岩、浮石、蛭石、陶烂等轻质板材隔墙分户装配成而的住宅。适合大规模工业化施工,效率较高,工程质量较好。 框架结构由梁柱构成,构件截面较小,因此框架结构的承载力和刚度都较低,它的受力特点类似于竖向悬臂剪切梁,楼层越高,水平位移越慢,高层框架在纵横两个方向都承受很大的水平力,这时,现浇楼面也作为梁共同工作的,装配整体式楼面的作用则不考虑,框架结构的墙体是填充墙,起围护和分隔作用,框架结构的特点是能为建筑提供灵活的使用空间,但抗震性能差。所以选用框架结构体系较为合理。








钢筋混凝土多层框架结构作为一种常用的结构形式, 具有如下优点:

(1) 建筑平面布置灵活,分割方便。

(2) 整体性、抗震性能好。

(3) 传力路线明确。

(4) 墙体采用轻质填充材料时,结构自重小。

(5) 承重构件与围护构件有明确分工。


“缙云县邮政生产用房结构设计” ,在设计之前必须先充分理解建筑设计的内容,并收集相关的资料如建筑图集、结构计算手册及相关国标规范等,做好准备工作。








On a sunny day, I made an appointment with some of my inseparable friends to visit our house.

Ill come up with a blackboard, a pen and a piece of magnet, then took out a pen to draw on the blackboard a person, he missed a nose, I said, \\\"who can close your eyes to the nose up even win.\\\" Friends are scrambling to grab food, like a gift from Santa Claus.

A friend grabbed, he closed his eyes according to the magnet up, other friends all laugh loudly, he opened his eyes looked, post the nose mouth, such not only has no nose, mouth and a mole. The other friends tried and failed, and I was myself.

Then I closed my eyes and put my nose up. My friend didnt smile. I opened my eyes and said, \\\"I did it!\\\"

Through the summer vacation, I learned that in life, you can only succeed if you are good at watching.



The summer vacation had come round again. i was happy that i could forget about school at least for a while. lest i fool around all through this summer vacation, i made a plan as to how to spend it. first, i thought i should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that i could have a better understanding of them. then i thought i should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running and rowing.

To keep me physically strong. it stood to reason that with such a good plan i should make the best of my vacation time. i did, because i lived up to what i had planned.

I enjoy summer vacation very much. Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends. We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes,so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents. Its a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.





1、 回忆法。审清题目的要求后,回忆一下与之相关的课文内容,再动笔。如:My family’s hobby 一词,要求写清楚你的家庭成员的爱好。首先出现在你的脑海里的你所背诵过的呢课文里的句子。具体内容尽量用上自己最熟悉的词来组织。如课文里的句子根据自己的实际情况改编。从而避免单词拼写的错误。

2、 朗读法。写完文章后,反复朗读自己所写的文章。这样会使你对作文有一个全新的感受。你会在写作时可能出现的错误,如句子不通顺,单词拼写错误等,然后改正。

3、 同伴批改法。学生可以找自己的同学互相交换作文批改。对照检查错误。这样,在帮助同学找出错误的过程中,自己也受益匪浅。

4、 记录错误法。准备一个小本子。每次老师把批改过的作文发回来时,仔细阅读老师指出的错误,把错误抄在本子上,并在旁边写上正确的形式。然后在每次写作文前,对



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Children’s education has been concerned by the public all the time.As theyare the future and will decide a country’s destiny, so the environment mattersso much to them.Most parents expect the school can provide the children a goodlearning environment and ignore the importance of home education.

School provides the children a direct stage to receive education.In theschool, the teachers pass knowledge and educate them the right value.Thechildren know their task and as everybody around them focus the attention onstudy, so they are affected by each other and have the strong desire tolearn.

Home education is easy to be ignored by most parents, they think it is theteachers’ duty to educate children.Actually, most criminal teenagers havefamily issues.Parents haven’t set good example for the kids.Sometimes they areeven the trouble makers.Without love, teenagers won’t grow up as the strongpeople.

Both school and family environment are important for the children, and theyneed to be nurtured with the good examples and learn knowledge.


Recently, the problem of environmental pollution is getting more and moreserious.The air pollution, noise pollution and water pollution are found on thenewspaper everywhere.It is obvious that we should do something to protect ourearth.Because we have only one home.We should try our best not to pollute theenvironment and appeal the people around us make their effort to protect ourunique home.


The environment has been polluted badly today and the nature punishes thehuman being by all kinds of disasters, such as the heavy haze in Beijing, whichdamages people’s health.World Environment Day is on June 5th.It pays attentionto call for the public to make an effort to bring the world a cleanenvironment.

Look at the pollution around us, which exists everywhere.The cars releasethe gas which pollutes the air and the rubbish can be found in every corner ofthe street.All of these daily incidents hurts the world we live.Especially thefactories, they release the heavy smoke and make the sky becomes dark.What’smore, the wasted water flows to the clean river.

Though the government has made some action to punish the businessmen forreleasing the polluted sources, they still dare to take the risk of earning thebiggest profit.If we hurt the environment, it will hurt ourselves, because welive together.The polluted environment threatens our health.If we want to livethe comfortable life, then the only way is to be nice to the environment.


I love my school so much, because of the beautiful environment.The firstday I walk into the school, I am very impressed by the green trees and thecolorful flowers.It seems that I just walk into a park and get lost in thegreen world.The trees and flowers make me feel so comfortable, and my heartfeel the peace.


As we all know, pollution is harmful to living beings.There are manydifferent types of pollutions in this world.For instance, water pollution, airpollution, noise pollution and so on.Water pollution cause many kinds ofdisease that have negative effects on human beings, sometimes the diseases willtake people’s life away.Dirty air will increase the rate of getting lungcancer.While the noise pollution will cause insomnia.People’s health conditionwill be damaged.

In my humble opinion, people should take measures to control the pollution.Recently, not only the government, but also individual has taken part in theaction of protecting the environment.This is a good sign.Rivers are beingcleaned, air is purified, and the people come to realize that the importance ofprotecting the environment.

However, this is not enough, the problems are still exist.Not all of themhave been solved.Some factories are still pouring dirty water into the riversor give off the toxic gas into the sky.We should know that protecting theenvironment needs everybody’s effort.


  编辑特别推荐: 班主任工作计划两只蚊子作文1500字向日葵下一颗心作文1500字美妙的歌声作文1500字蝴蝶的翅膀作文1500字做一个有道德的人作文1500字环保作文1500字玫瑰作文1500字我的母亲优秀作文1500字我的家乡作文1500字, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!