

作者:edditor12023-07-20 09:20:02536


三年级英语课件 第1篇

1 -- What's your name?

-- My name is_____.  (搭配)

2  This is________. (板书不写a)

3 -- How are you?

-- I'm fine.

4 -- What's this?

-- It's________.

5-- Nice to meet you.

-- Nice to meet you, too.

6 Where is _______? (会替换)

7 May I have______, please?

8 Good-bye.

9--How many____ do you have?

--数字.  (会搭配)

10 She/He is my friend.

11 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

12 Open the_____.Close the___.

13 What colour is it?

14 Where is it? (用介词短语回答即可)

15-- What's your favourite colour?      -- My favourite colour is ____.

16-- How do you feel?                -- I feel _______.

17--How do you feel?


--I am _____.    (两种回答方式均可)

18:--What colour is your hair?

--My hair is ___.

19:--What colourare your eyes?

--My eyes are_____.

20--What's the matter?

--I cut my ______.

--My ______ hurts.

21--What are they doing?

--They are ______ ing.

22--How old are you?

--I am ____ years old.

23 --Happy birthday!

--Thank you.

24--What's the matter?

--My ______ hurts.

25:--What are they doing?

--They are _____ing

三年级英语课件 第2篇


本节课是《新标准英语》三年级起(第一册)Module7 Unit2的教学内容How old are you?


1、学习目标语句:How old are you ?I’m… …,You’re… …单词:old,look,how old

2、能口头运用How old are you?I’m… …这类语句询问对方的年龄并回答。




能用How old are you来询问对方的年龄,并能用I’m… …作回答。





1、带领学生唱学过的英文歌《Please stand up》,《Ten little fingers》。

2、让学生以开火车的形式说数字,复习1——12的数字。 (齐唱旧歌,开火车说数字都是为了激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生的积极性,也是为后面学习表述年龄作铺垫)


对学生的表现进行鼓励表扬,然后针对课文内容向学生提问:“How old is Sam?”引导学生给出答案:“Sam is nine.”

(这样的导入既简明也对启发学生理解How old的意思起到一定作用)


板书课题:How old are you?(让学生跟读几次,明白中文意思。)



2、老师可以在听录音前向学生提出一些具体的问题,请学生在听的同时找出问题答案,例如:“How old is Sam?How old is Daming?What are the children doing?Why are the children laughing at Daming?”老师再使用中文重复这些问题。


4、其后,老师可以请学生以小组为单位,找出问题的正确答案(Sam is nine.Daming is nine,too.They are making age badges,He wears his age badge upside down)。





完成运用任务1(Act it out):把学生分为多人小组,仿照书上的事例使用“How old are you?I’m… …”进行关于年龄的问答。作重强调相同的岁数最后要使用Too.(可多请几个小组)完成运用任务2(Sing the song)

1、先让学生读歌曲,理解大意,作重理解How old are you and How are you。


完成运用任务3(Game):仿照书上的`事例开展游戏,复习数字1——12,老师也可以使用“Simon says”的形式开展这个游戏。首先请全班学生逐个报数(可以重复)。

当每个学生都知道自己的数字后,老师开始发出口令,例如:“Simon says‘2,4,6and10,stand up,please.’”数字为2,4,6,10的学生要站起来。

如果老师的口令中没有“Simon says”,而学生错误地执行了口令,他们就要被罚出局。老师可以请被罚出局的学生发出口令。坚持到最后的学生获胜,由老师给予奖励。


三年级英语课件 第3篇


1、知识目标:能够理解和应答How much are the______和How much is the ____

认识expensive和on sale




1、重点:理解和应答How much is the ____和How much are the ____

2、难点:认识expensive 和on sale




2、出示水果卡片,并问:What’s this (复习水果)

3、复习句型:How much for one_____/ ____ yuan./ I’ll take ___, please. Thank you. 让学生找上节课与其做对话练习的那个伙伴,一起练习他们编的对话。让他们练习买卖教室里的东西。


1、教师假装没有铅笔,并说:I want some pencils. But I have no pencils. (加上手势,表情) Do you have any pencils (伸出手去要,学生会拿出铅笔给老师) 多引导几个这样的对话,练习Do you have any ____这个句型。然后由师生对话转到生生对话。

2、当学生拿出铅笔时,教师问:How much is the pencil The ___. How much How much yuan (教师做出从兜里掏钱的动作,学生会明白)

T: How much is the pencil

S: ___ yuan.

T: I’ll take ____, please.

S: (给教师一支铅笔)


S: You’re welcome.

板书 How much is the ____ = How much for one _____


3、T: Do you have any erasers I want two erasers. (学生拿出两块橡皮)

T: How much are the erasers (板书)

向学生说明How much are 是用来询问一个以上的东西的价钱;而How much is 是用来询问一个东西的价钱。


如果遇到贵的,引出expensive, on sale.

T: How much are the ____

S: ___ yuan.

T: Hmmm. No, thanks. That’s expensive Are the ____ on sale

S: Yes/No.

T: How much is/are the ____

S: _____ yuan.

5、读课文,解释expensive 和 on sale.




Lesson23How much are they

How much is the pencil = How much for one pencil

How much are the erasers

Expensive on sale


Lots of = a lot of = many 许多




A.No! B. You’re welcome. C. Yes.


A. Howmuch is it B. How many are there C. I ‘ll take two, please!


A. I am hungry. B. I’d like some fish. C. I don’t like chicken.


A. Yes, please. B. Sorry. C. No, thanks.

三年级英语课件 第4篇

一、Warm Up

T: OK. Class! Today I bring an old friend for you. Do you want to know who is he?

T: Now let’s look here.(Play the video 《Teddy bear》)

T: Let’s sing and do together.

T: What’s this?Ss: Teddy bear.

T: Yes, you are right. It is Teddy bear, and it is also an animal.T: Look here, class. I have many animal cards and animal toys.Do you want to have a look?

T: So, let’s begin our English Travel. Are you ready?

T: Class begin.

T: Good morning, class. Sit down, please.


T: Look! There are many teachers in our classroom. How to greet to the teachers?

Ss: Good morning!Nice to meet you!How are you? Fine, thank you.

T: You are so amazing. You have mastered all the three units. Now you are divided six groups. OK? (六个小组)

T: I have one question for you. What animal do you like best?Ss:兔子。(rabbit)

T: Oh, it’s rabbit. Read after me: rabbit.

T: It is a coincidence. I have a rabbit’s card too.T: rabbit(升调) rabbit(降调)r-a-b-b-b-i-t rabbit

Show me your fingers.

Let ’s write it together.(板书) T: Who want to have another try?

Ss: I like cat.

T: Yes, cat is very lovely. Read after me: cat.T: You have your loved animal. But I also have my loved animal. Who want have a guess?

T: Sorry.

T: Yes. A nice guessT: Another chance. Who want to have a try?

T: You are so clever.

T: You really did a good job. Let’s play a game. This is a bag. You can have a touch and tell me what animal is it?

T: T last chance. Who want to hold it?

T: Let’s have a test. (A picture with English words only.T: A little difficulty.(A picture with Chinese words only。T: OK. Let’s have a challenge.(A mixed words cardsT: Perfect! Thumbs up for you. Let’s have a listening test, ok? (听力练习题)

T: Very good. Really a good job. I have a gift for your work. It is a big news. There is a “Forest concert” and these animals formed a band. They are on the way to the forest. Would you like to see their performance?

Ss: Yes.

T: Listen to video carefully and find who are they?

Ss: dog, cat, monkey, panda, rabbit, monkey, duck.

T: Very good. This time, follow the tape and correct your pronunciation.

T: You may have tired. Would you like seeing my performance?

Ss: Yes.

T: I will do some action and you will guess which animal is it? Ok?

T: This time you may say like this: Act like……T: Let’s have a exchange. I will give you the order, you will do some action

T: You can act like animals now. Let’s see whether chilly can do this?(视频)

T: I found some of the students are really good at act. So, who want to give us the performance?T: Great! Clap your hands for them.


T: I can see that all of us are very love animal. But nowadays some of them are play by the people.

What should we do?

T: Yes, we should love animal and we need action from now. Class, all of us are really good today! So, thank you for your cooperation.

T: That’s all for today. Class is over. Goodbye, class.

Ss: Goodbye, teacher.


  编辑特别推荐: 七一文艺晚会主持词幼儿园亲子活动主持词4班班级口号4s店总经理述职报告产品推广策划方案模板暑假作息表拜年祝福语猪年医师个人简历一年级亲子阅读心得体会七夕祝福语大全, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!