

作者:edditor12022-12-25 08:20:34491


初二英语课件 第1篇








温故知新 复习短语

go swimming 去游泳 wait in line 排队 hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事

So am / do I 我也是。

It looks like rain 看上去要下雨了。

wait for the bus/ train 等车 be late for/to 迟到

I hope so/not. 我希望如此/我不希望这样。


1、学生观察1a中的图片相互提问:A:what can you see in picture 1?

B: I can see……. A:What are they doing? B: They are …….(学生通过相互提问熟悉图画内容,为听力做准备。)

2、教师让学生归纳1a-2c中所出现的反意疑问句,让学生观察、总结反意疑问句的构成。知识剖析: 反意疑问句要点简述





如:It looks like rain, doesn’t it?

He doesn’t need to work so late, does he?


1. 陈述部分是there be 句型,疑问部分也用 there be 句型。

There is a book on the desk, isn’t there?

2. 陈述部分如有 nothing, nobody, never, few, little, hardly 等否定词时(不包括加否定前缀变来的,如:dislike, unhappy等),疑问部分用肯定形式。

They have never been to the farm, have they?

There is little water in the glass, is there?

He dislikes history, doesn’t he?

3. 陈述部分为祈使句时,反义部分用 will you , won’t you 。以Let’s开头的祈使句,疑问部分用 shall we .

Go to the cinema now, will you?

Let’s have a party, shall we?

4. 陈述部分含宾语从句时,疑问部分一般反问主句,但主句含有 I/We think/believe/suppose … 时, 疑问部分要反问从句(要注意否定转移情况)。

He knew that the woman was a thief, didn’t he ?

I don’t think he is a good student, is he?


( )1.The poor man needs our help,_____ he?

A. isn’t B. aren’t C. doesn’t D. hasn’t

( )2.It seldom rains here in spring,_____?

A. is it B. does it C. isn’t it D. doesn’t it

( )3.You don’t drink milk in the morning,_____?

A. do you B. don’t you C. are you D. aren’t you

( )4.—Look at the sky . I think the rain is going to stop soon.


A. Me too B Very good C. Yes, I do D.I hope so



2、学会使用I hope so.



( )1.He is a singer,__________ __________?

( )2.They are playing baseball,__________ __________?

( )3.He walks to school every day,__________ __________?

( )4.It looks like rain,__________ __________?

( )5.You like this dress,__________ __________?

初二英语课件 第2篇

复习目标:1.Words and useful expressions in this unit .

2. Talk about how long you have been doing things .



Read through this unit and finish these exercises :

Task 1. Words and useful phrases in this unit :

1 收集_________2 自…以来_______ 3 筹集 _______4 几个的 ________5 邮票________

6 风筝________  7 储存 _______  8 收集者 ________9 共同的_______10 硬币_______ 11 省会________ 12 外国人_________13 相当 _______14 思念 ________15 为慈善机构筹钱_______________16 整5个小时___________________  17 一小时之前 _______________

18 三年半________________________  19 用完__________________20 顺便一提 ______

21 对…感兴趣 ______________22 奥林匹克运动会_______________23 在远处 __________

24 在我7岁生日时________________25 组建一个雪球收藏者俱乐部________________

Task 2. 完成句子:

1.   你收藏邮票多长时间了?

2.    在这里,学生们正在滑冰为慈善机构筹钱。

Here , students are _________ ______ ________ ________ _______ _________ .

3.    滑冰马拉松现在已进行了5个小时。

The _________ ___________ _______ ________ ________for five hours now .

4.    你做什么运动?__________  _______ do  you  ___________ ?

5.   自从他10 岁时他就在收藏风筝。

He’s  ______ ________ _______ since ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ .

6.  ______ _______(因…而感谢)_______(send ) me the snow globe of  the  monster .

7.   我尤其喜欢带动物的雪球。I ___________ love globes _______  _________ .

8.  我想组建一个雪球收藏者俱乐部。I want to ________ a snow globe ________  _____ .

9.  I’m certain I will be here for the Olympic Games in 2008 !


6.  I’ve been learning a lot about my family history .


The more I learn about Chinese history , the more I enjoy living in China .

翻译: ________________________________________________________________

精讲:The more … the more …“ the +比较级+主语+动词,the +比较级+主语+动词”,



1. 越高越好。_____________________________________________________

2. The more he has , the more he wants .

3. 他摘得苹果越多,他就越高兴。The ________ apples _______ _____ the _____he is .




1.   They are  twins , so they have many things in  c_________ .

2.   What have you been doing s________ I saw you last time ?

3.    My sister is interested in __________ .A. sing   B. to sing    C. dancing    D. danced

4.  ______ we sing English songs , ________ we enjoy learning English .

A. The many ; the many     B. The more ; the much

C. The more ; the more      D. The many ; the much

5.  I’ve been collecting coins ___I was 10 years old .A. when    B. while C. and  D. since

6.  Sam has problems in _________ Japanese .A. learns B. learning C. to learn  D. learnt

7. 我们的钱快用完了,你能借点钱给我们吗?

We are _________ _______ ________ money .Can you _______ us  some ?

8.  顺便说一下,我对这个话题不感兴趣。

______ _________ ________, I’m not ________ _______ this topic .

9. 集邮是最常见的爱好。

____________ ___________ is _________ _________ _________ hobby .

10. 你知道的越多,那你就会发现你未知的越多。

_______ _________ you know , ________ __________ you will find you don’t know .



(    ) 1.My hobby is        old coins.A.collecting   B.collected C.collect   D.collects

(    ) 2.       ,do you have any idea where the station is?

A.In the way      B.On the way       C.By the way  D.At the way

(    ) 3.There’s no        for me to stand on the bus.

A.places          B.room        C.a room          D.a place

(    ) 4.—        did you skate yesterday?      —For five hours.

A.When          B.How far     C.How long        D.How soon

(    ) 5.We are going to have a party        money for the people.

A.to give          B.to raise        C.pay           D.to spend

(    ) 6.I’ve been swimming        ten o’clock.A.since  B.for   C.at   D.on

(    ) 7.Thank you for        us so         .

A.teaching;well   B.teaching;good   C.teach;well   D.teach;good

(    ) 8.—What a nice bike! How long        you        it?    —just two weeks.

A.will ; buy     B.did ; buy    C. are ; having     D.have ; had

(    ) 9.The machine is very easy to use.        can learn to use it in a very short time.

A.Somebody     B.Anybody     C.Nobody       D.Few people

(    ) 10.These trousers are too long.Show me a small

A.set             B.one               C.copy           D.pair

(    ) 11.—How long have you been in this city?  -_____twenty years.

A.Before         B.after        C.For          D.Since

(    ) 12.This pair of shoes        hers.My shoes        black.

A.is;are           B.are;is      C.is;is           Dare;are

(    ) 13.The scientist is interested        making a smaller computer.

A.to             B.for         C.with             D.in

(    ) 14.Winter is coming but they are        coal(煤).

A.short               B.run out     C.run out of     D.running out of

(    ) 15.—Shopping with me? —Sorry.I have a lot of________clothes        .

A.to wash         B.washed    C.wash       D.to be washed


1.  Review Unit 7.

2. 写作小天地:用本单元所学句型谈论一下自己的兴趣爱好以及有这种爱好多长时间了。

初二英语课件 第3篇

复习目标:1.Words and useful expressions in this unit .

2. Talk about consequences.

重难点:The usage of “ if ”.


Read through  this unit and finish these exercises :

Task 1. Words and useful phrases in this unit :

1 花 _________2 代理人________ 3 反对_______ 4 慈善团体_______5 机会 ________6 律师 _______7 今晚________ 8 窗户________ 9 解释 ________10 下列的__________11 玩的愉快 _____________12 拿走_____________ 13 在世界各地 ______________14 谋生_______15 一直 ___________16 移动电话 ___________17let you in_____________

18 wear jeans to the party__________19 take the bus to the party________ 20 make some food____________

Task 2. 完成句子:

1.       If you  _____ _____ ______ _______(去参加聚会),you ____ _____ ______ ________ ________(将玩的很开心).

2.      I think I  _____ _______ _____ ________ _____ ______(将呆在家里).

3.       如果他们今天举办聚会,一半的学生将不会来。

_____ they _____ ______ _______ today , ______ the students ______ come .

4.       什么时候是举办聚会的好时候?

When is _____ _____ ______ ______ have the party ?

5.       我想让你记住学校聚会的规定。

I want _____ ______ remember the _______ _______ school parties .

6. 不要带别的学校的朋友。如果你这样做的话,老师会请他们离开。

_______ _______ friends _______ other schools .______ you do , the teaches ______  _____  _______  _______ leave .

7.  If you ______ ______ _______(加入狮子队), you ______ ______ _____ _______ ________ ________(你将成为一个优秀的足球运动员)。

8  .If  you _______ ______ __________ ________ ________(成为一名专业的足球选手),you ________ ________ (将不能)________ ______ __________(去上大学).

9.       If you become a Lion , you’ll _________ ______ _______ ________(环游世界).

10.   对于许多年轻人来说,成为一名专业的运动员可能看起来是一份梦想工作。

______ many young people , _________ a _________ _________ might ________  _________ a dream job .



if 有_________和__________的意思。当表示_______时,用在条件状语从句中,规则是主句1)____________ 2)__________ 3)______________ if 引导的从句用一般现在时。

当表示_________时,相当与whether ,用在宾语从句中,规则是主句一般现在时,从句___________________________; 主句一般过去时,从句用___________________ .


1.       如果我有时间,我就和你一块去。

If  I ______ _________ , I________ __________ with you .

2.       如果你不努力学习,你考试会不及格的。

If you ______ ________ ________, you ________ pass the exam .

3.       如果你知道这件事, 请告诉我。

If you _______ about it , please ________ ________ .

4.       He wants to know if you ________ ________ (看电视) yesterday .

5.       Lucy asked  if  Lily  ____________(将去) to the zoo with us .




1.    What will h________ if I bring food to the party ?

2.    I’ll speak _________(反对)anything I know to be wrong .

3.    –What are you going to do tomorrow ?

--We will go fishing if it ______ rain tomorrow .

A. will  B.won’t   C.isn’t   D. doesn’t

4. --- Will you _____ take part in the school sports meeting next week ?

---- I hope so .

A. can   B. must  C. be able to  D. may

5. If you _______ food to the party , the teachers will________ it away .

A. bring , take  B. take , bring  C. to bring , to take  D. to take , bring

6. If you need help , you should ______________ .

A. call up him  B .call him up  C. call he  D. calling me

7. They _______ ________ __________(谋生) by working on the farm .

8. If you eat _____ _______(太多) sugar ,your teeth will be bad .

9. Please call me if he ________ _________(回来) .

10. 周游世界是我的`梦想。

It’s my dream to _________ ________ ________ _________ .


(    ) 1. Sally looks very sad. What should I do to make her          ?

A. happy   B. to be happy   C. happily   D. to be happily

(    ) 2. I don’t want this computer. Please          .

A. take away it    B. take it away   C. take away them   D. take them away

(    ) 3. They will stay at home if it         tomorrow.

A. will snow    B. snowed     C. snows      D. snow

(    ) 4. —What did Mrs Black say?

— She asked us         to her office after school.

A. going      B. went        C. go         D. to go

(    ) 5. —When is the good time         the party?

—This afternoon, I think.

A. to have      B. having     C. have     D. has

(    ) 6. —How much         your jeans?  —125 yuan.

A. was        B. are       C. is       D. am

(    ) 7. —Please remember         your photos here next time. —Yes, I will.

A. take       B. to take      C. to bring    D. bring

(    ) 8. 1.Don’t wear these old clothes. They are            style.

A. in            B. out               C. of            D. out of

(    ) 9. — What does your father do?  —      .

A. He is thirty-six years old    B. He is a lawyer

C. He is from Canada         D. He is a little heavy

(    ) 10. — I want to know        .  —In Tonghua.

A. where you were born    B. where were you born

C. you were born where    D. were you born where


1.They had to carry these boats to the river yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

they           to carry these boats to the river yesterday?

2.Will your sister take a bus to the zoo?(作肯定回答)

,  she           .

3.You should tell him to get different clothes.(改为否定句)

You should                         him to get different clothes.

4.The young men were playing cards  at eight last night.(对划线部分提问)

were the young men           at eight last night?

5. Jim enjoys himself in the park.(写出同义句)

Jim _______  _______  _______  _______ in the park.


1.  Review Unit 6 .

2. 写作小天地:

学校要举办一个English  party ,请你确定聚会的时间,并且制定一些规则(不少于3条),


初二英语课件 第4篇




Step 1 Revision



Step 2 Listening


Step 3 Read and say




Here is another situation for the students to practise. A very famous drawing was stolen in the art gallery last night. You are trying to find out who did that. You can ask the question “What were you doing at nine o’clock last night?” After everyone has answered the question, the class discuss together, “Who do you think stole the painting from the gallery? Why?”

Step 4 Read and talk

Read the table about what David was doing at different times yesterday, then ask and answer in pairs.


Step 5 Writing


Step 6 Reading

(录像演示)情景演示关于邻里关系的幽默故事,回答:How do you think the neighbour wasn’t a good neighbour?


1. Why were Masha and Sasha tired of Misha?

2. What did Masha borrow today?

3. Did Sasha want to lend him?

4. How did Sasha do?

5. What do you think happened at last?

6. What will you do if you were Sasha?

Step 7 Discussion

Discuss what a person should or should not do in the neighbourhood.

Step 8 Checkpoint


归纳本单元的useful expressions

Step 9 Exercise



The driver______ ______ _______ ______Tianjin.


They______ _______ ______ ______the work.


He ______ ______ ______ him politely.


I need ______ _______ ______ ______ _______.


We'll______ _______all day in the garden.

答案:1.was driving a truck to 2.were fed up with 3.decided to refuse 4.a pair of garden scissors 5.be working

Step 10 Homework

1. Write about what David was doing at different times yesterday. Begin like this “David had a busy day yesterday. He was having an English class at eight o’clock in the morning. . . .”

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

3. Write a short passage about what you were doing at different times yesterday.

初二英语课件 第5篇

Teaching Objectives:

1. Revise the grammar: the Adverbial Clause and the Infinitive.

2. Revise the use of “who, that, which”.

Language Focus: so that

The Infinitive: to + Verb(原形)

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check homework, ask some students to retell the story.

III. Presentation

Give the students some sentences for example to help them understand the structure:

so + adj. /adv. + that(结果)

1. I am so angry that I can't say a word.

2. The teacher spoke so fast that we couldn't catch up with him.

3. The classroom is so dirty that we must clean it.

Ask the students to make up some sentences with “so… that”, then give same more sentences.

1. He got up late so that he was late for school.

2. He ran very fast so that he hit the electric pole.

Ask the students to do some practice.

IV. Practice

Look at Exercise 1, ask the students to answer the questions with so that…. The answers are:

1. I stayed at home so that I could go swimming when I had finished it.

2. Lucy saved her money so that she could buy her mother a birthday present.

3. Ling Feng was going to Changsha the next week so that he could visit his sick grandmother.

4. I was doing my homework so that I could ask him to help me with my physics.

5. I was looking for Lin Tao so that he could visit sick grandmother.

V. Presentation

Get the students to make up some sentences like:

1. I don't know how to get to the station.

2. She doesn't know which sweater to choose.

Ask the students to pay attrition to the Infinitive. Give them more examples to understand better, e. g.

1. I don't know what to do next.

2. They don't know where to go.

3. We didn't know when to start.

Focus on the use of the Infinitive, then give another example:

It’s very important to learn English well:

To learn English well is very important.

Let the students make more sentences, pay attention to the use of the Infinitive.

VI. Practice

Look at Exercise 2, make sentences with partners. The answers are:

1. It’s hard / easy to work out these maths problem.

2. It’s exciting to watch football matches.

3. It’s interesting to read history books.

4. It’s hard / easy to learn foreign languages.

VII. Leaning and practice

Do Exercise 3, complete the sentences using who/ that/ which. The answers are:

1.which 2.who 3.who 4.which 5.who 6.which 7.which 8.who

VIII. Workbook

Do Exercise 1, let the students translate the sentences alone then check the answers with the students.

Answers: 1. We arc hungry. We need to buy something to eat. 2. She is very busy today. She has a lot of work to do. 3. Please be quiet! I have something important to tell you. 4. Will you please tell him to turn down the TV a little? 5. nobody knows what to do next? 6. I’m going to the post office to buy a few stamps this afternoon.

For Exercise 2. Join the two parts and make the students read together.

For Exercise 3. Get the students to read the story, and fill in the blanks. The answers are: which, who, who, who, who

IX. Summary

Exercise in class

l. 昨天他想借我的收音机.

2. 我需要一些喝的东西。

3. 他有许多家务要做。

4. 她叫我说慢一点。

5. 在街上踢足球很危险。

6. 学外语不容易。

7. 我不知道去哪里。

8. 叫他不要迟到。

X. Homework

1. Revise the use of the grammar.

2. Make sentences with the Infinitive.


  编辑特别推荐: 精准扶贫心得体会范文半年销售总结报告审计年度总结个人工作自评报告开票工作总结职业规划书模板厨师工作计划社区五四青年节活动方案年园林绿化工作总结消毒供应室个人工作总结, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!