

作者:edditor12022-12-17 20:21:53138


高三英语教学设计 第1篇


in common as usual die down lead to remind...of

1.The fire ____________ and it became a little cold in the house.

2.Can you tell us what ____________ you ____________ this conclusion?

3.This ____________ me ____________ what we did together during our holidays.

4.They have nothing ____________ with one another and can’t become good friends.

5.The meeting was, ____________,badly attended.

答案:1.died down 2.led,to 3.reminds,of 4.in common5.as usual


1. ____________(由于手头拮据),he had no choice but to borrow some from his friend.

答案:With no money left

2.The emperor turned round again and again in front of the mirror, ____________(目的是让别人相信他能看到这衣服).

答案:so that he could make others believe he saw the clothes

3. ____________(是在老师的帮助下)that we came to finish our work.

答案:It was with the help of our teacher

4. ____________(一旦你了解这一规则),you will have no further difficulty.

答案:Once you understand the rule

5.He sat before his desk, ____________(陷入沉思).

答案:deep/lost in thought


1.—How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

—It was great.We visited some friends,and spent the days at the seaside.

A.few last sunny B.last few sunny

C.last sunny few D.few sunny last


2.The computer centre, ____________ last year,is very popular among the students in this school.

A.open B.opening

C.having opened D.opened


3.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____________ Chinese in the school,most ____________ were from Germany.

A.study;of whom B.study;of them

C.studying;of them D.studying;of whom


4.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ____________ he grew up as a child.

A.which B.where

C.that D.when


5.I shall never forget those years ____________ I lived in the country with the farmers, ____________ has a great effect on my life.

A.that;which B.when;which

C.which;that D.when;who



In July,1914,I secretly hid ____________ the ship,Endurance and began expedition to Antarctica with Sir Ernest Shackleton.

On January 18th,1915 the Endurance became ____________ in pack ice as we ____________ Antarctica under the leadership of Shackleton,we were successfully ____________ on Elephant Island.Later,Shackleton ____________ five others to go to South Georgia and bring help.

Left behind,at first we felt low and ____________.But it was not for long.

In the following four months we were lucky our group worked hard to show an ____________ mental attitude and ____________ our ever-present fears in a positive and successful way.

When rescue did come,we felt ____________ relief and joy ____________ many of us could not hide fears.

答案:aboard;stuck;approached;settled;selected;discouraged;admirable;dealt with;so;that

高三英语教学设计 第2篇


我认为在“新课程标准”和“新基础教育”的理念的指导下,这节课应该既能够让学生的学习有意义,也能够让教师在扎实、充实、平实、真实的授课过程中真正享受到,“教学作为一个创造过程的全部欢乐和智慧的体验”。同时,本单元是以话“交通”题材为教学主要内容的新目标(Go for it)教材典型设计,借助本单元可以给学生在学习方法上以很好的指导,并可以在小空间内进行大规模的扎实、有效的训练。









本节课从简单的对“How do you get to school in the morning?”的询问入手,引入对重要课文Section A 3a的复习。通过学生复述这段文字,重点巩固由“How, How long, How far”引导的谈论交通话题的重要句型,并提炼相关的信息形成新的对话,为下一环节作铺垫。即课文Section A 3b的训练,通过第一、二人称来谈论交通话题的训练,拓展到以第三人称来谈论他人的交通话题,进而让课文Section B 2a, 2b, 2c的学习水到渠成。然后完成对本节课学习的测试,进行归纳总结本节课的要点。最后,作业一中让学生来完成交通方式的图片收集,是对本节内容的进一步深化;作业二中要求学生做一个调查,并形成调查报告,实际上和测试二一起构成了对Section B 3a的有效预习。












高三英语教学设计 第3篇




1.What do we know about Bill?

A.He will finish the paper soon.

B.He’s not going to write the paper.

C.He seldom complete his work early.

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a hotel.

B.In a hospital.

C.In an office building.

3.What does the woman want to do?

A.Carry the box downstairs.

B.Put the box in a low position.

C.Move the box to the upper shelf.

4.What do we know about the population of the city?

A.It has increased.

B.It has stayed the same.

C.It has decreased.

5.What has caused the sales volume to go down?

A.Low production.

B.Poor management.

C.Foreign competition.


(Text 1)

W:Do you know if Bill has finished his research paper on computers?

M:I don’t think so.He always seems to put things off until the last minute.

(Text 2)

M:Hi,Helen.It’s my turn now.Is there anything that needs my attention today?

W:Yeah.Mr Kent is getting worse.Here’s my report.

M:OK.I’ll pay close attention to him.

(Text 3)

W:Could you lend me a hand,please?

M:I’d be glad to.Where will you put this heavy box?

W:Down on the bottom shelf,then it won’t fall and hurt anyone in sudden events such as earthquakes.

(Text 4)

W:I think the population of this city has got smaller in the past ten years.The streets are not as crowded as they used to be.

M:But the newspaper says there are more people living here than ten years ago.

(Text 5)

M:How is our company’s business this month?

W:Not very good.Our sales volume has dropped by 10%.

M:Why is that?

W:A German company has just opened a branch here.

答案:1~5 CBBAC




6.What does the woman think of what the man said?

A.It is surprising.

B.It is discouraging.

C.It is unbelievable.

7.What do we know about the clothes the man described?

A.They will warm up when it is cold.

B.They will cool off when it is cold.

C.They have built-in air conditioners.


8.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.Air pollution.


C.Road connection.

9.Why does the man think laws of car use will be made?

A.Road traffic has to be controlled.

B.There’ll be new ways of traveling.

C.More and more people enjoy air travel.

10.What does the woman think of traveling by train under the oceans?

A.It is exciting.

B.It is frightening.

C.It is unimaginable.


11.What is the probable relationship between the woman and the man?

A.Wife and husband.

B.Employer and employee.

C.Landlady and renter.

12.What does the woman want the man to do when he goes out?

A.Boil the kettle.

B.Shut the window.

C.Close the drawer.

13.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is very careful.

B.She is warm-hearted.

C.She is absent-minded.


14.What does the man probably do?

A.He’s a ticket collector.

B.He’s a jeweler.

C.He’s a policeman.

15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.On a train.

B.In the street.

C.At the man’s office.

16.Why does the man stop the woman?

A.She stole something.

B.She is too rude to him.

C.She smoked in public places.

17.How does the man act toward the woman?





18.What was done to find people’s ideas about the women’s movement?

A.A question was asked of husbands.

B.A group was set up to interview people.

C.A survey was made to both men and women.

19.Who help most at home?

A.Danish husbands.

B.British husbands.

C.Italian husbands.

20.What can we learn from what the speaker said?

A.Housework should be shared between men and women.

B.More than 50% of Danish men help in the house.

C.Danish men are more afraid of their wives.


(Text 6)

W:It’s so cold now,but this morning it was so hot and sunny.I wish there was a way I could always be wearing the most suitable clothes for the temperature.

M:I recently read that in ten years we’ll be wearing clothes that change with the weather.

W:Oh,very funny!So we’ll be wearing huge clothes with built-in air conditioners and heaters.

M:I’m serious.Researchers will have new types of clothes made of special materials,which can store and release heat as the temperature changes.

W:Well,I never thought clothes could store heat.

(Text 7)

M:Talking about the 21st century.I think there’ll be huge changes in the way people use cars.Laws will be made ゛bout what kind of car you can own and when you can use it.

W:Maybe there’ll just be too many of them on the roads.The air will be so seriously polluted that nobody will be able to breathe normally.

M:Exactly.People will have to rely on trains.

W:Why do you say that?

M:Well,we won’t be able to use cars,and the airports take too much space.That leaves trains.

W:Huh.So do you think there’ll be more efficient train systems between cities?

M:Sure.They’ll enable people to travel between cities in a matter of hours.There may even be trains going under oceans to connect the main continents.

W:Under the oceans?Get out of here!I get nervous enough flying on a plane.

(Text 8)

M:Well,it’s a nice room.Um...is there anything that I should know?

W:Well,I don’t allow the cat to go upstairs at all.And I don’t allow people to smoke in the bedroom.

M:Oh,I agree with that.I don’t smoke anywhere.

W:And I don’t allow people to stick pictures up on the walls.

M:Oh,I see.Can I use small nails or something?

W:Oh yes.Something like that is quite acceptable.And there’re just two more things if you don’t mind.If you go out,would you please remember to close the window?

M:Right.I’ll do that.

W:And there’s the kettle,as you can see.When you boil it,could you please put it on the floor and not on the chest of drawers?

M:All right.I’ll do that then.

(Text 9)

M:Excuse me,madam.


M:Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?

W:Well,I’m afraid I certainly do mind,if it’s all the same to you.Now go away.Hey,taxi!I’ve got a train to catch.

M:I’m sorry.I’m just trying to do my job but I’m afraid you’re making it rather difficult.However,I must insist on seeing what you have in your bag.

W:And what do you expect to find in there?Jewels?

M:Madam,if there’s nothing that doesn’t belong to you,you can leave right away and I’ll apologize for the inconvenience.

W:Oh,very well.There you are.

M:Thank you.And ten men’s watches?

W:Yes.I get very nervous if I don’t know the time.

M:I see you smoke a lot,too,madam.Fifteen cigarette lighters.

W:Yes,I’m rather a heavy smoker.And...and I happen to collect lighters.

M:I bet you do,madam.Well,I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to come along with me.

W:How dare you!I...

(Text 10)

W:Good morning and welcome to the Life review.Do you know how many men do housework?Recently,a European official group tried to discover what people’s ideas were about the women’s movement.As part of their survey,they asked many men and women the question,“Who does the housework?” The man answered very differently from the women!The housework they asked people about was:preparing meals,washing dishes,cleaning the house and baby-sitting.48% of British husbands said they did this kind of work.51% of Danish men said they helped in the house.15% of Italian men said they did the housework.But there was an interesting point of view from the wives.According to British wives,only 38% of their husbands help in the house.And Italian wives complained that their husbands hardly ever help.The Italian and British men didn’t tell the truth!The group found that Danish men were the most truthful husbands.Their answers were the same as their wives’.

答案:6~10 CABAB11~15 CBACB16~20 ACCAB


1.It is not the job of the investigating committee to ___________ blame ___________ individuals.

A.allocate;to B.allocate;for

C.allocate;/ D.allocate;at

答案:A allocate sth. to sb.为固定词组,表示“把……分配给……”。

2.Don’t you just adore ___________ in a hot bath?

A.to lie B.lying

C.lay D.lain

答案:B adore doing sth.表示“喜欢做某事”。

3.Oil prices are ___________ to increase by less than 20% this year.

A.forecasting B.forecast

C.to be forecasted D.to be forecasting


4.She is ___________ to changing the system.

A.oppose B.opposition

C.opposing D.opposed


5.We had to ___________ in order to pay for our children’s education.

A.sacrifice B.give sacrifices

C.make sacrifices D.take sacrifice

答案:C make sacrifices为固定搭配,表示“作出牺牲”。

6.The police ___________ emergencies in just a few minutes.

A.responded B.response

C.respond to D.response to

答案:C respond通常和介词to搭配,表示“作出反应”。

7.I demanded that John ___________ there at once.

A.go B.went

C.gone D.to go

答案:A demand后的宾语从句的谓语通常用(should)+动词原形。

8.The brave soldier was willing to risk ___________ his life rather than ___________ himself up to the enemy.

A.lose;give B.losing;giving

C.losing;give D.lose;giving

答案:C risk后面必须跟动名词作宾语;rather than后面要跟动词原形。

9.I’m looking forward as much to her return as she herself to ___________ me.

A.have seen B.seeing

C.see D.saw

答案:B look forward to+名词/动名词。

10. ___________ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A.Losing B.Having lost

C.Lost D.To lose


11.European football is played in 80 countries, ___________ it the most popular sport in the world.

A.making B.makes

C.made D.to make


12. ___________ his telephone number,she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill.

A.Not knowing B.Knowing not

C.Not having known D.Having not known

答案:A she和know为主动关系,且这里是现在分词短语作原因状语。

13.If ___________ the same treatment again,he is sure to get well.

A.giving B.give

C.given D.being given


14.Many teachers were praised at the meeting,Mr.Zhou ___________.

A.including B.being included

C.to be included D.included

答案:D Mr.Zhou作included的逻辑主语。

15.She asked me to help her, ___________ that she couldn’t move the heavy suitcase alone.

A.only to realize B.realizing

C.having been realized D.realized



Learning experiences happen to us throughout our lives.Not long ago,I had one that I would like to 1 .I was going to Marblehead with my sailboat team.The team was racing down the highway at 85 mph 2 ,we realized we were 3 .Luckily,we saw a rest area ゛head.I had a brand-new (崭新的)$20 bill.I was so 4 because I had never had that kind of cash before.But spending it on 5 seemed like throwing it away.We all rushed into the pizza line. 6 I got a pizza and a drink,and walked to my table.About halfway through the meal,I 7 I had not actually handed any money to the cashier.I had just 8 out,and nobody had noticed.I felt terrible.

My conscience(良心)opened its mouth and swallowed me in one big bite.I couldn’t 9 over it.I just couldn’t go back to the cashier and 10 for my stolen pizza.I was so upset that I 11 to give myself the pleasure of an ice cream for 12 that someone would say,“Hey,Jeff,why don’t you use the change 13 the pizza instead of that nice,new $20 bill?” I was not 14 of my cash now.

For the next two years,whenever I was 15 of the “pizza incident”,I would say to myself,“Don’t think about it...”

I have learned two things from this 16 .Maybe I was a fool for 17 in to my conscience,and being too stupid to appreciate a 18 pizza.But the real lesson is that even if you get away from what you have done your conscience will 19 up with you.

This reflects the saying,“A coward (懦夫)dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.” I was a coward and have felt terrible about that incident at least a thousand times.If I had been a “ 20 ” and gone back to pay for the pizza,I would have felt a little uncomfortable about it only once,or maybe twice.

1.A.say B.talk

C.share D.explain

2.A.as B.while

C.then D.when

3.A.lost B.tired

C.hungry D.anxious

4.A.excited B.eager

C.satisfied D.encouraged

5.A.rest B.food

C.travel D.drink

6.A.Luckily B.Finally

C.immediately D.Actually

7.A.thought B.recognized

C.noticed D.realized

8.A.walked B.left

C.worked D.found

9.A.look B.get

C.turn D.think

10.A.ask B.pay

C.apologize D.send

11.A.refused B.wanted

C.hoped D.meant

12.A.hope B.surprise

C.anger D.fear

13.A.into B.with

C.for D.from

14.A.sure B.upset

C.proud D.pleased

15.A.warned B.reminded

C.thought D.told

16.A.experience B.experiment

C.story D.mistake

17.A.turning B.taking

C.handing D.giving

18.A.free B.cheap

C.plain D.delicious

19.A.make B.wake

C.catch D.put

20.A.coward B.fool

C.loser D.hero


2.D when为并列连词,表示“这时”,相当与and then。




6.B上一句“We all rushed into the pizza line”说明吃饭的人多,需要等候,用finally表明等了一些时间。



9.B作者受到良心的谴责,不能摆脱。get over克服;恢复;look over检查;turn over翻开(过); think over仔细考虑。



12.D for fear that是固定词组,表示“惟恐,以免”。



15.B remind sb. of sth.意为“提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事”。


17.D give in to sth.意为“向……屈服”。






Last Monday,David Nichol,Australia’s top kidney (肾)doctor,successfully removed a diseased kidney from a woman.What’s so unusual about that?David Nichol was in his office in Australia while the woman lay on an operating table in New Zealand.

What connected them was a technology called remote surgery(手术).

Remote surgery itself is not new.In 20xx,a group of doctors in New York,US,removed a gall bladder (胆囊)from a patient lying in France.It was the first successful case of remote surgery used on a human across international borders.

Now,Nichol’s operation is to be the first one performed on the kidneys.Nichol used joysticks (操纵杆)to direct robotic arms in the New Zealand operating room during the two-hour operation.The joysticks and the robotic arms are linked by a computer network.Nichol could watch the robot’s work while doctors in New Zealand checked the patient and changed the instruments as needed.“Before this technology,I would have been in the operating theatre (手术室)when they were performing the operation,” Nichol said.During remote surgery,the doctor is the one in control.The robots carry out the operation using a complex method.

Doctors have found that a robot is better than a human surgeon at carrying out this difficult operation—even when it is controlled thousands of miles away.Unlike humans,robotic “arms” do not shake when they target a small piece of tissue (组织)or organ.In remote surgery such as the removal of kidney stones,the robotic arm s a long special needle into the patient’s body and X-rays guide it to the kidney.

Once the robotic arm has reached the hard kidney stone,the needle gets wider so that a tiny telescope can travel down it and look at the organ.Then instruments are used to break up the stone and get rid of the remaining waste.

For doctors,the technology means less stress in the operation room.And for patients,it means far less chance of suffering blood loss or damage to a nearby organ.

However,the remote surgery is not widely used because it’s still very expensive.A remote operation on a gall bladder costs more than US $1 million.A normal operation costs US $20xx.It will be some time yet before the price falls and the operation is available to people throughout the world.

1.Why was this kidney operation so unusual?Because ___________.

A.remote surgery was only used on the kidney operation

B.it was a robot that was carrying out the operation

C.the patient and the doctor in control were in different countries

D.it was the first successful operation of remote surgery performed on kidneys

2.What does the underlined word “target” mean in this passage?

A.aim at B.cure

C.meet with D.get close to

3.What is the key part of the operation of remote surgery?

A.The joysticks. B.The robot.

C.The network. D.The doctor.

4.What advantage do the operations of remote surgery have mainly?

A.The doctors are less stressed during the operations.

B.It is more convenient for doctors to perform the operations.

C.The patients will have less chance of suffering blood loss or damage to a nearby organ.

D.The robot is better than a human surgeon.






One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit one’s mistakes.It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like “I was wrong about that,” and it is even harder to say,“I was wrong,and you were right about that.”

I had an experience recently with someone admitting to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago.He told me he had been the manager of a certain grocery store in the neighborhood where I grew up,and he asked me if I remembered the egg cartons(箱子).Then he related an incident and I began to remember clearly the incident he was describing.

I was about eight years old at the time,and I had gone into the store with my mother to do the weekly grocery shopping.On that particular day,I must have found my way to dairy food department where the incident took place.

There must have been a special sale on eggs that day because there was an impressive display of eggs in dozen and half-dozen cartons.The cartons were stacked (堆放)three or four feet high.I must have stopped in front of a display to admire the stacks.Just then a woman came by pushing her grocery cart and knocked off the stacks of cartons.For some reason,I decided it was up to me to put the display back together,so I went to work.

The manager heard the noise and came rushing over to see what had happened.When he appeared,I was on my knees examining some of the cartons to see if any of the eggs were broken,but to him it looked as though I was the criminal.He severely scolded me and wanted me to pay for any broken eggs.I protested my innocence and tried to explain,but it did no good.Even though I quickly forget all about the incident,obviously the manager did not.

高三英语教学设计 第4篇

初中英语Unit 1 A Trip to Beijing


本单元以A Trip to Beijing为话题,学生通过本单元学习,能够表达请求许可,能够询问及表达两地距离,掌握一百以上数字的读法与写法,初步学习比较等级的形式及用法; 学会制定计划以及用英语购买票。

1 、 Lesson 1要求学生通过学习李明与妈妈关于去北京旅行的对话,通过技能训练掌握表示意愿以及请求许可的表达方式。

2、 Lesson 2以打电话的形式,要求学生学习如何邀请别人一起旅行以及一些旅行安排的表达方式。

3、 Lesson 3要求学生通过学习本课能够询问及表达两地的距离,并掌握100以上数字的读法与写法。

4、 Lesson 4以唱歌和对话的形式要求学生复习各种交通方式,并通过对比初步学习比较等级的形式及用法。

5、 Lesson 5通过学习本课掌握一周七天的读法与写法,重点掌握如何作旅行计划,学会征询别人的意见。

6、 Lesson 6通过学习Jenny和Li Ming做旅行准备的对话,重点复习this, that, these, those的用法,及谈论数量,提供帮助的表达方式。

7、 Lesson 7通过本课学习购票的表达方式及劝阻他人不做某事的表达法,同时要求学生学会书面讲述令自己兴奋的一次经历。

8、 Lesson 8帮助学生复习运用本单元所学内容。



1. Talk about distance

—How far is it from … to …?

—It’s … kilometers. / It’s about …

2. Asking for permission

May I …?

Yes, you may. /No, you may not.

3. Showing Intentions

Do you want …?

I want….

Let’s take a …, …is faster/slower than….

4. Others

How many … do you have?

Please (don’t) ...





1. —May I go on a trip to Beijing? —Yes, you may. / No, you may not.

1. How far is it from China to Canada? It’s about eight thousand five hundred kilometer.

2. A train is slower than a plane, but faster than a bus.

3. What do you think of it?

4. I want to go to the Great Wall.

5. May I help you? Sure.

6. How much for a ticket on the T58 from Shijiazhuang to Beijing, please?

7. Please don’t run or jump.


1.Greet the students and get them to talk about their holidays.

T: I haven’t seen you for long ages, boys and girls! How is it going?

S: Quite well. How are you?

T: I’m fine, too. Thanks. Did you have a nice holiday?

S: Yes.

T: Would you like to share your experience with me? … What did you do?

S: I read a lot.

T: You must have learnt a lot.

2.Get some other students to talk about their holidays. And then show some places of interest and

continue talking with the students to make them understand the phrase go on a trip to.

T: I had a nice holiday too. I went on a trip to Beijing. Look! There are some pictures about this city.

Show the students the following pictures.

T: How about the first picture?

S: It’s Tian’anmen Square.

T: That’s right! The second one?

S: It’s Gugong. (In Chinese)

T: In English It is named the Palace Museum. S: The Palace Museum.

T: How about the last one?

S: It’s Changcheng.

T: It’s the Great Wall in English.

S: The Great Wall.

T: There are so many beautiful places in Beijing. And Beijing is the capital city of our country. Would you like to travel to Beijing? (To one student)

S: Yes.

T: Would you like to go on a trip to Beijing too?

3.Help the student to answer. Make sure the students know the meaning of go on a trip to.

S: Yes. I’d like to go on a trip to Beijing. T:…(略)

4.Get the students to learn to talk about permission by using the phrase: to go on a trip to. The teacher can show them some pictures of places of interest to help them to discuss.

T: What city would you like to go on a trip to, Beijing or Guilin?

S: I’d like to go on a trip to Guilin.

5.Ask more students the same question to let them learn the phrase go on a trip to well

T: Gulin is a very beautiful place. May I go on a trip with you?

6.Help the student to answer: Yes, you may. Or No, you may not.

Explain the meaning in Chinese if necessary. S: Yes, you may.

T: (To another student) I have no money to go on a trip to Guilin. May I borrow some money?

S: No, you may not.

T: Li Ming wants to go on a trip to Beijing. Listen to the tape carefully. Does Li Ming’s mother go on a trip to Beijing too?

S: (After listening) Yes.


听:Listen to dialogues about distance, intentions, and numerals

说:Talk about distance, show intentions, say numbers and make a phone call in English

读:Read dialogues about trips

写:Write a plan


高三英语教学设计 第5篇


Hand over care for speak out pack up give away

1.I’m about to __________ my things and go home.

2.Colin Lamb __________ responsibility for this project to him yesterday.

3.She thinks no one knows how much she likes him,but her face when I said he’d be there really __________.

4.The children __________ by a relative at the moment.

5.If no one has the courage __________ against the system things will never improve.

答案:1.pack up 2.handed over 3.gave her away 4.are ゜eing cared for 5.to speak out


1._____________(正如我刚才所说),I think the proposal needs further consideration.

答案:As I was just saying

2.I told him he could _____________ (任意挑选他喜欢的座位).

答案:choose whichever seat he liked

3.I _____________ (厌倦了)your gossiping.Please keep quiet.

答案:have had enough of

4.After reading,please _____________ (把书放回原处).

答案:put back the books where they are

5.She _____________(宁愿受穷)than be a thief.

答案:would rather live a poor life


1. _____________ with a difficult situation,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A.To face B.Having faced

C.Faced D.Facing


2.The storm left, _____________ a lot of damage to this area.

A.caused B.to have caused

C.to cause D.having caused


3.While watching television, _____________.

A.the doorbell rang

B.the doorbell rings

C.we heard the doorbell ring

D.we heard the doorbell rings


4.“You can’t catch me!” _____________ Janet shouted,away.

A.run B.running

C.to run D.ran


5. _____________ into use in April 20xx,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdown.

A.Put B.Putting

C.Having put D.Being put


6.More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, _____________ advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.

A.taking B.taken

C.having taken D.having been taken


7.He glanced over at her, _____________ that though she was tiny,she seemed very well put together.

A.noting B.noted

C.to note D.having noted


8.When _____________ help,one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.”

A.offering B.to offer

C.to be offered D.offered



King Lear,who had three daughters, _____________ old and tired.He had decided _____________ and divided the kingdom into three parts.But he was going to give the best part for _____________ of them had the most devotion for him.Goneril and Regan,who won his trust by _____________ words and flattery,got their parts;while Cordelia,the _____________ daughter,who had angered King Lear by truthful _____________,was deprived of her share.She had to _____________ her kingdom and traveled across the sea to France.The King then _____________ his kingdom between his two elder daughters,only keeping a hundred soldiers to care for and _____________ him.

King Lear went to live his eldest daughter.But she began _____________ him disrespectfully.King Lear was so angry that he decided to leave and go to the castle of his other daughter,Regan.

答案:was growing;to retire;whichever;fancy;youngest;honesty;leave;divided;protect;treating

高三英语教学设计 第6篇




Countries: Canada, China, France, Japan, the United States, Singapore, Australia, The United Kingdom, Paris.

Cities: Sydney, New York, Toronto, Toyo, London

Languages: English, French, Japanese, Chinese.

b.重点句型:-Where…from? -She’s/He’s from…

-Where does…live? -She/He lives in …

-What language does she /he speak? -She/He speaks ….



















Period 1 Section A 1a—2d

Period 2 Section A 3a—Section B2c

Period 3 Section B 3a---3c

Period 4 Summing up Section A and B and the grammar.


The First Period

Teaching aims:

1.Learn to express the main countries and cities.

2.Know something about the countries.

3.Master where- sentence structure.

Key points:

1. Words: pen pal, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United states, Singapore, the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo world

2.Sentences: -Where is your pen pal from? -He’s from Australia.

-Where does he live? - He lives in Paris

-Where is John’s pen pal from ?

Teaching aids:

Some cards with cities and countries.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.Lead—in (1a&2a)

First greet the students. Then teacher begins the topic with the Spring Festival. Do you have a nice Spring Festival? Do you go to many places? I do. Then use the fresh pictures through computer to teach the students names of countries, cities. Divide the students into groups, then show the flags and pictures, let them guess the names of countries and cites. At last finish 2a on page2.通过这个环节,教师完成本单元的新单词的导入,通过提供给学生每个国家的地图,让学生猜出国家名称及相应的城市,学生能有意识的记忆国家及城市的名称,并为整节课任务的完成奠定最基本的词汇基础。在看图片时学生能够做到精神集中,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。


①Teacher says: I goes to many places during the Spring Festival, so I have many pen pals from different countries. One of my pen pals is Sandy. She is from the UK. She lives in London. Ask the students: Do you have a pen pal? Some say yes, some say no. Then go on with “Where is she/he from?” and “Where does she/he live? Ask some students to stand up and practice with teacher.

②With these sentence structures, ask students to practice them in pairs.

③Make a Survey to understand your classmates better.


Step3.Listening comprehension(1b,2b&2c)

After practice, do a lot of listening exercises. Finish 1b on page 1 and 2b & 2c on page 2.在口头练习的基础上,在他们熟练掌握本课时句型以后再做这些听力应该是不难了,这样可以增加他们学习英语的信心。并且这些听力材料的设计也是层层递进,由易到难,充分考虑到了学生的层次,起到了很好的巩固作用。

高三英语教学设计 第7篇



1.What do we know about Mrs. Fisher?

A.She is in hospital.

B.She has no family.

C.She lives alone.

2.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the street.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a restaurant.

3.How soon will the man have to send the report?

A.In four days. B.In five days. C.In six days.

4.What will the speakers most probably do?

A.Go to a first-aid station.

B.Try to find a quiet place.

C.Take a walk around the city.

5.What is the relationship between the two speakers?


B.Mother and son.

C.Aunt and nephew.


(Text 1)

W:I wonder if Mrs.Fisher has any family.Her room is always quiet.

M:Actually she is a mother of three.Her children all live abroad.That’s why the nurses are taking care of her.

(Text 2)

W:Room 108,on the first floor.Here is your key and the lift is around the corner.

M:Thanks.And could I arrange to be called at 7:00 tomorrow,please?


(Text 3)

M:Mrs.Swift,would you mind if I handed in the report late?I might not be able to finish it on time since it’s Wednesday tomorrow.

W:I’m afraid you have to finish it by Friday and send it to Houston on Saturday.

(Text 4)

M:I don’t think we can find a better restaurant around here at this time.

W:Let’s walk a little further to somewhere else.I just can’t bear the traffic noise here.

M:Well,let’s go.

(Text 5)

M:Come in,please.

W:Hello,George.Is Aunt Margaret in?I’ve got something important to tell her.

M:Sorry,Helen.Mom has gone shopping.She won’t be back until noon.

答案:1~5 CBBAC




6.What is the man?

A.A flat manager.

B.An army officer.

C.A house designer.

7.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.The rental agreement.

B.The working conditions.

C.The living surroundings.

8.How many complaints does the woman make?





9.What kind of woman does the man prefer?

A.Managing housework.

B.Putting up new ideas.

C.Working from home.

10.What do we know about the man’s views on women?

A.They are in line with the current views.

B.They are quite progressive for the times.

C.They mirror the views of old generations.

11.What does the man most likely do for the rest of an evening?

A.He stays with his friend and watches TV.

B.He meets a woman who shares his interest.

C.He returns home alone and stays with his dog.


12.What does the man want to talk about in the discussion?

A.Bringing up children.

B.Training children to be quiet.

C.Helping children with their problems.

13.What should a mother do when her child is quietly playing?

A.Talking with him.

B.Staying with him.

C.Doing her own work.

14.Why is a child always shouting according to the man?

A.He is bored.

B.He isn’t playing.

C.His mother isn’t with him.


15.When does the train arrive in Stratford?

A.At 6:05.

B.At 6:15.

C.At 8:00.

高三英语教学设计 第8篇

科目 英语

年级 高一


标题 Unit 17 Nature (自然界与动物保护)

章节 第十七单元





同学们将通过本单元的阅读课文“Milu Deer Return To China”, 深刻认识并了解保护野生动物的重要意义。



四会单词和词组:at present , nature , common , recently , alive , year by year , greatly , one day , sick

三会单词和词组:increase , similar , equipment , disappear , period , research , protect , paint , deer , performance , put on performance , one after another

Ⅱ. 交际英语


Why are you making this journey ?

We are trying to collect the memory for a wildlife project .

We want to do … so that …

What is the purpose of your new project ?

We want to do … very much .

That sounds a great idea .

Good luck with your trip !

Ⅲ. 语法学习

在本单元,同学们要理解并初步掌握现在进行时被动语态的用法。现在进行时的被动语态是由“由be的现在式 (am , is , are ) + being + 过去分词”构成。现在进行时的被动语态是表示“某人或者某事此时正在被……”。如:A teaching building is being built in our school .




I saw four deer in the forest .

〖点拨〗deer的单复数一样。单复数形式一样的名词还有:sheep , aircraft , police , cattle等。


Travel increases one’s knowledge of the world .

The number of tourists has increased . = Tourists have increased in number .

〖点拨〗增加了百分之几常用介词by连接。The population of this town increased by five percent last year .

另外,on the increase是“不断增加,正在增加中”。如:Traffic accidents in cities are on the increase this month .


The two of them are similar in character .

A cat is similar to a tiger in many ways .

〖点拨〗be similar to与……相似。又如:Gold is similar in colour to brass (铜) 。


The recently completed , 35-story , four-star hotel is the tallest building in the city .

〖点拨〗recently在句中时,句子常用现在完成时。如:Have you been very busy recently ?


Who’s the greatest man alive ?

〖点拨〗alive ; living ; live ; lively ; life ; lives 这些词都有“活着”之意,它们的用法各不相同。

1)alive 意为“活着”,侧重说明生与死之间的界限,既可指人,也可指物;可用来作表语,后置定语或宾补。虽有死的可能,但还活着。例如:

The badly wounded soldier was still alive when taken to the hospital .

He is dead , but his dog is still alive . 他死了,但他的狗仍然还活着。

No man alive is greater than he . 在活着的人中没有人比他更伟大了。(注:此时 alive 含有“在所有活着的……之中”)

He wanted to keep the fish alive . 他想让鱼活着。


Comrade Wang is really a living Lei Feng in our country .

My first teacher is still living . 我的启蒙老师仍健在。

English is a living language . 英语的活的语言。

A living language should be learned through listening and speaking .

He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present . 他被认为是当代活着的的作家之一。

注意:living 前加上 the , 表示类别,指“活着的人们”。例如:The living must finish the work of those dead . 活着的人必须完成那些死去的人的事业。

living 还可用于短语,例如:make a living 谋生。

3)live “活着的”,通常指物,不指人,常用来作定语放名词的前面。还指“实况转播的”。例如:

a live wire 有电的电线,a live fish 一条活鱼。

Do you like a live show or a recorded show ? 你是喜欢直播还是录音 。

He said he had seen a live whale . 他说他看见过活鲸鱼。

make a / one\'s living by + ing 通过干……谋生

4)lively 则意为“活泼的”,“活跃”,“充满生气的”,可作定语、表语或宾补,既可指人,又可指物。例如:

Jenny is a lively girl . 詹妮是个活泼的女孩。

Everything is lively here . 这儿一切都生机勃勃。

He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting . 他有一种奇特的方法,使他的课生动有趣。

5)life 是名词作生命可数,作生活不可数。其复数是 lives 。类似把 -fe 变为 -ves 的还有:wife , shelf , leaf , half , loaf , thief , knife , wolf , self .

I prefer country life to city life .

These children are full of life . 这些孩子充满火力。

Many people lost their lives in the accident .

all one\'s life 一生 ,true to life 栩栩如生,in one\'s life 在……的一生中,come back to life 苏醒过来,live / lead a happy life 过着幸福的生活。


make a trip to到……旅行

They are leaving tomorrow to make a trip to Hangzhou .

注意:“去……旅行”还可以用take a trip , have a trip , go on a trip , make a journey 。

collect money for= raise money for 为……筹集资金;为……募捐

These Young Pioneers are trying to collect money for a wildlife protect .

put on performances演出

You have put on a fine performance .

The performance put on by the senior class was a dance .

at present= for the time being 目前;现在;如今

How many research center are there at present for milu deer in China ?

do with处理;对待

What do people plan to do with the milu deer in future ?

注意:do with常与what连接使用,deal with常与how连接使用。

too many of太多的

Too many of the deer had been killed and they disappeared .

注意:so many和too many的顺序。too much修饰不可数名词。如:Too much of such rain will ruin the crop .

year by year年复一年

They liked the cool wet weather there and their number increased year by year .

We should do everything possible to enable the peasants to raise their personal incomes year by year .

注意由“名词 + by + 名词”的短语还有:step by step逐步地,two by two两个两个地,little by little逐步地。

south of = to the south of在……以南

The zoo is three miles south of the city . 动物园在城南三英里处。

Hunan Province lies to the north of Guangdong .

one day总有一天;有一天

该词组可以指过去,也可以指将来。但some day指将来。

One day last summer I made a trip to the country .

You will come to see the importance of English one day (= some day) .

in the wild在荒野;在旷野

These animals had to live in the wilds of northwest China .

once more = once again再次;重新

The facts showed once more that he was not interested in music .

one after another = one after the other = one by one 一个接一个;相继

The students left the theatre one after another after the play . in the past year在过去的一年中

A lot of work has been done in the past year .

注意:类似的还有,in the past few years在过去的几年中,in the last few months在过去的几个月中。出现这样的短语时,句子常用完成时态。而in the past (在过去) 却需要使用过去时。

be similar to和……差不多,和……相近

If one thing is very similar to another thing , they look almost the same .

Cameras are similar to the human eye .

make a study of对……加以研究

She gave us some advice on how to make a study of teaching methods .

set free释放

The girl set the pretty birds free .




at present ; at the present time ; for the present

〖明晰〗这三个短语近义,都可表示“目前;现在”。第一个中的 present 是名词,其前不用定冠词;第二个中的 present 是形容词 ( 意为“现在的 ) ;第三个中的 present 是名词,其前要用定冠词。at present 与 at the present time 通常可互换,而 for the present 侧重指“暂时”。如:At present there are not many milu deer in nature parks in China .

We use this tense to show that something is being done at the present time .

For the present we do not need that book , so please go on reading it yourself .

2 . one day ; some day ; the other day


( 1 ) one day 可指过去或将来的某一天,some day 只能指将来的某一天,the other day 指过去 ( 不久前 ) 的某一天。如:

At all these centres it is hoped that one day they will have enough animals to set them free and let them live in the wild again .

You\'ll be an engineer some day .

I met him the other day at the bus station .

( 2 ) 这三个短语通常作状语用,但 one day 间或能作主语用。如:

One day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth .

( 3 ) one day 不能连写成一个词。而 some day 有时可连写成 someday。如:

Someday we may drive cars that are run by electricity .

3 . greatly ; very ; much


( 1 ) greatly 修饰动词或过去分词。如:

Since then the number of milu deer there has greatly increased .

( 2 ) very 修饰形容词和副词原级,不能修饰动词和 a - 形容词。如:

I think he\'s very old .

( 3 ) much 修饰动词、过去分词、形容词和副词的比较级或级。如:

We like it very much .

Now it is much easier to make plans for our trips .

当修饰过去分词时,much 有时可与 greatly 互换,但 greatly 的语气比较强。如:

He was greatly moved .

would like的用法

〖明晰〗would like 用以表示说话人委婉的愿望或请求。意为“希望,想要”等。其中 would

( 适用于各种人称 ) 可以换成 should ( 只限第一人称 ) 。在口语中,常用其缩略式“ \'d like”。其否定式为“主语 + shouldn\'t/wouldn\'t like + 其它”;其疑问式为“Would + 主语 + like + 其它 ? ”。would like 主要有如下四种结构:

1) would like +名词或代词。

— Would you like some coffee ? 你要些咖啡吗 ?

— Yes , please . 是的。

— Would you like another cup of tea ? 你还要一杯茶吗 ?

— No , thanks . 不要了,谢谢。

2) would like + 不定式。

— Would you like to have some rice ? 你要米饭吗 ?

— Yes , I\'d like to . 是的,我要。

— Would you like to have some more beer ? 你还要些啤酒吗 ? — No . thanks . I\'ve had enough . 不要了,谢谢。我喝够了。

— Wound you like to go with me ? 你愿意和我一起去吗 ?

3) would like + 主语 + 不定式 ( 作宾补 ) 。

— Would you like something to drink now ? 你现在想喝些什么吗 ?

— I\'d like a glass of beer . 我要一杯啤酒。

4) would like +不定式的完成式。


We\'d like to have helped her . 我们本该帮助她。

You\'d like to have gone there yesterday . 你昨天本该去那里。

Where are you travelling to , Gary ? 加里,你们打算到哪里旅行 ?

〖明晰〗该句用现在进行时表示将来,指按计划、安排在不久就要发生的动作,常用在口语中。常见的这类动词有 come , go , leave , arrive , get , start , travel , work , stay , try , fly , return 等。例如:How are you getting there ? 你们打算怎样到那里。

6 . Good luck with your trip ! 祝你们旅途好运 !

〖明晰〗Good luck . 是分手道别时的常用祝愿语,意为“祝幸运/平安/顺利”,其后常跟介词 to ( sb . ) 或 with ( sth . ) 。又如:

Good luck with your new job !

Good luck to you !

7 . Until recently , the only milu deer alive in the world belonged to …直到不久以前,世界上仅有的活着的麋鹿属于……

〖明晰〗 ( 1 ) until recently 意为“直到不久以前;直到最近”,until 在此相当于 till , 其意思是“直到……为止”,可作介词或连词,until 在此为介词。作介词时,其后常跟表示时间的名词,也可跟副词。作连词时,引导一个时间状语从句。例如:

I taught in No . 58 Middle School of Zhengzhou until 1993 .

Father usually doesn\'t go to bed until very late . 爸爸通常很晚才睡觉。

( 2 ) alive 意为“活着的;在世的”,相当于 living 或 live ( adj . 活着的 ) ,它属于

表语形容词,即只在句中作表语,不作定语。但 alive 偶尔可以作定语,要放在它修饰的名词之后。例如:

Who is the greatest man alive in the world now ?

living 和 live 作定语时,需前置。例如:living thing 生物,live chicks 活鸡

8 . In fact , there are so many deer that some are being sent to nature reserves by environmentalists who would like to return them to the wild . 其实,现在这种麋鹿已经相当多了,有一些正在被送往那些愿意把麋鹿送回野外去的地方。

〖明晰〗 ( 1 ) 该句是一个较为复杂的复合句,主句为…there are so many deer , that 引导的是结果状语从句,which 引导定语从句。

在这个 so…that 结构中,中心词是名词 deer,本应该用 such…that 结构,但因名词前有 many 修饰而用了 so…that 结构,此特殊用法需注意。

( 2 ) are being sent 是现在进行时的被动语态形式,表示“正在被送往”其中的 being 容易被误省。又如本课中的其它两句:

The life of the milu deer is being studied there .

More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park in Shishou in Hubei Province .


Two Mistakes

For a long time Dr Smith had wanted to get a better job in a certain big modern hospital . He was appointed to a particular position which he wanted , and his wife moved to the house which they were now to live in . The next day some beautiful flowers were sent to them , with a note which said , “ Deepest sympathy (沉痛悼念). ” Naturally , Dr Smith was angrily to receive such an unusual mote , and telephoned the shop which had sent the flowers to find what the note meant . When the owner of the shop heard what had happened , he apologize to Dr Smith for having made the mistake .

“ But what really worried me much more , ” he added , “ is that flowers which ought to have gone to you were sent to a person who had just died , with a card which said , ‘Congratulations on your new position . ’ ”

很久以来,史密斯医生一直想在某一家大型的现代化医院找一份比较锡样的工作,这一天终于盼来了。他被任命为他想干的特殊位置,而他的妻子也搬进了他们现在住的房子。第二天送来一些鲜花,里面夹着一张条子,上面写着: “ 沉痛悼念 ” 。



“ 但真的使我更担心的是, ” 他补充道, “ 本应该送到你那里的鲜花却送给了一个刚死的人,鲜花里面夹着一张卡片,上面写着:‘祝贺你搬迁新居。’ ”


British public libraries were linked by computers . If

your nearest library in London doesn\'t have the book you want

to borrow it , a librarian will go on-line to see whether any of

the other nearby libraries have . If no library has the book in

store , the librarian will search for further , connecting

library in other cities like Manchester . If a copy of the book

has found , arrangements will be made for it to be sent to your

library , and within a day and two , you\'ll be able to check it

out . It\'s also possible for readers to lend books from

university or college libraries even if we are not students .

答案: were → are 对 去it has 后加it 去for library → libraries has 后加been 第二个and → or lend → borrow we → you





〖思维〗 现在进行时的被动语态结构。

I am/ He / She is/ You / We / They are + being done .

More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature . 更多的糜鹿正被往一所新建的大天然公园迁移。


A . 表示一个正在进行的被动动作即某件事情现在正在被做。例如:

The water is being turned into vapour . 水正在变成蒸汽。

The question is being discussed at the meeting now . 现在会上正在讨论这个问题。

B . 表示在现阶段进行被动动作,但不一定发生在说话的这一时刻。例如:

The bridge is being repaired .那座桥正在修复之中。(可指“正在讲话的同时”,也可指“目前”。)

She\'s being taught English . 有人在教她英语。(在说话时,也许根本没人教她。)


I know Mark was going to have an interview sometime this afternoon . He may be being interviewed at this very moment . 我知道马克今天下午什么时候有面试。他此刻也许正在接受面试哩。


A . 把下列句子变成被动语态。

1 . Mr Smith is driving a car .

2 . The teacher is scolding (批评) me .

3 . They are painting the houses .

B . 单项选择。

4 . — Have you moved into the new house ?

— Not yet . The rooms ____ .

A . are being painted B . are painting C . are painted D . are being painting 5 . I ____ English for five years now .

A . was studying B . have been studying C . studied D . am studying

6 . The blood ____ now .

A . is tested B . is being testing C . is being tested D . has been testing

7 . The new lake ____ in the park , so many workers are working there .

A . is made B . has been being made C . is being making D . is being made

8 . In some parts of the world , tea ____ with milk and sugar .

A . is serving B . is served C . serves D . served

答案: A car is being driven by Mr Smith . I am bing scolded by the teacher . The houses are being painted . 4 — 8 ABCDB

二、enough 与高考

Ⅰ . enough 作副词用时,可修饰形容词、副词和动词。修饰形容词、副词时,enough 应后置。

Helicopters were sent to rescue them , but it was impossible for them to get close enough .

When they reached the burning building they found that their ladders were not long enough to reach the people who were trapped .

You don\'t practise enough at the piano .

I with you\'d write clearly enough for us to read it .

Ⅱ . enough 作形容词用时,修饰复数名词和不可数名词,习惯置于名词之前。

Have you made enough copies ?

I\'ll get enough money to pay for a taxi .

当 enough 和形容词一起位于名词之前时,要注意辨别 enough 的词性以及对语义的影响。比较:

1 . a) I haven\'t found enough big nails to mend the cupboard . 我还没找到足够的大钉子来修碗柜。

b) I haven\'t found big enough nails to mend the cupboard . 我还没找到足够大的钉子来修碗柜。

a) 句中的 enough 是形容词,修饰 nails,强调钉子的数量。b)句中的 enough 是副词,修饰 big,强调钉子的大小。

2 . a) Is there enough hot water for me to have a bath ? 有足够的热水让我洗个澡吗 ?

b) Is there hot enough water for me to have a bath ? 有足够热的水让我洗个澡吗 ?

a) 句中的 enough 是形容词。修饰 water , 强调数量;b)句中的 enough 是副词,修饰 hot , 强调水的温度。

下面请看 NMET1998 — 11题。

If I had _______ , I\'d visit Europe , stopping at all the small interesting places .

A . a long enough holiday B . an enough long holiday

C . a holiday enough long D . a long holiday enough

选项A中的 enough 是副词,修饰 long,强调程度,符合句意,故是句意,故是答案。B中的 enough 是形容词,不能修饰单数可数名词,故不选。选项C、D的语序不对,也不可选。

高三英语教学设计 第9篇

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Ⅰ.Analyis of teaching material

1.The topic of this unit is about free time actmties。Suchtopicisrelated to students’daily life. So it is helpful toraise learning interest of students. If students can learn this unit well,it will be helpful to make students learn the the rest of this book.

2 .Teaching Aims and Demands

(1) Knowledge Obj ect

In this unit students learn to talk about how often they do things.

(2)Ability Objects

To improve students’ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.

(3)Moral Objects

To help students form a good eating habit.

To do exercise every day and keep fit.

3 .Teaching Key Point

To master the key vocabularyand the target language presented in this unit.

4 .Teaching Difficult Point

To train students how to use the key vocabulary and the target language by reading and writing.

5 .Studying Ways

Teach students how to use context.

Teach students how to do a survey.

Ⅱ.Language Function

Talk about how often you do things.

Ⅲ.Target Language

What do you usually do on weekends?

I sometimes go to the beach..

How often do you eat vegetables?

Every day.

Most of the students do homework every day.



What do…?

How often…?

Adverbs of frequency


V .Vocabulary

always,usually,often,sometimeshardly,ever,never, exercising,shopping,skateboarding once,twice,three times a week,month, every day, milk,junk,food, drink


reading,watching TV,go to the movies, fruit,vegetables

Ⅶ.Learning strategies

Using context.

Transforming information.

Ⅷ.Teaching times

Six periods

Period One

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn to talk about how often do you do things

2. To learn the words of the adverbs of frequency.

Teaching Difficulties:

1.words: exercise, skateboard, hardly, ever, shop, once, twice, time, surf, internet, program.

2.phrases:how often, on weekends, go to the movies, exercise, go skateboarding, always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes .

3.Sentence patterns: What does she /he do on weekends ? She often goes to the movies .How often do you shop ? Once a week / Twice a week ??? .

Teaching Aids: Tape recorder;Multi-Media.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1:Greeting.

1. Teacher: Summer vacation is over. I think you had a wonderful vacation, am I right? Did you enjoy your summer vacation? Could you please tell us what you did in your summer vacation?

2. Encourage students to share their holidays with the whole class.

Step 2:Leading – in

Teacher: Oh, you had a happy and colorful vacation. Today we will talk about more activities on weekends. First, let’s think about what we can do on weekends. (Ask some questions and let students think it over).

Teacher: I often sing on weekends, what do you usually do on weekends?

S1: I often take piano lessons.

Teacher: What does she usually do on weekends? (Ask another student)

S2: She often takes piano lessons.

Teacher: What about you? (Ask S2)

S2: I often play basketball

Teacher: What does he usually do on weekends? (Ask another student)

S3: He often plays basketball.

(Ask more students in the same way)

Step 3:1a Look at the screen. Make a list of the different weekend activities.

First let students list different activities, then

Teacher: Now work in pairs, ask and answer

---What does he/she do on weekends?

--- She goes shopping. / She reads books. / He exercises. / He watches TV. / She goes skateboarding.

Step 4:1b Listen and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below.

Get students to focus on the six adverbs in activity 1b and help students to understand:

Always-100% usually- 90% often-80% sometimes-50% hardly ever-10% never-0%

Step 5:Lead-in:

Teacher: I always read English books on weekends.

I usually exercise on weekends.

I often go to visit my grandparents.

I sometimes go shopping on weekends.

I hardly ever play computer games on weekends.

I never play cards on weekends.

What does your English teacher do on weekends?

(Help students to say)

Students: Our English teacher always reads English books on weekends. She usually exercises on weekends…..

Teacher: I exercise every day. I go shopping once a week. I watch TV twice a week. I go dancing three times a month…

How often does your English teacher exercise/ go shopping / watch TV / go dancing?

Students: Our English teacher exercises every day….

Step 6: Listening (2a and 2b)

Teacher: My friend Cheng is talking about something about his different activities, let’s listen and number the activities you hear.

Teacher: Listen again. How often does Cheng do the activities above?

(Help students to finish 2a and 2b)

Step 7:Do a survey:

Activities How often

Take a shower

Wash your hair


Clean your room

Ask and answer: How often do you take a shower?

How often does he / she take a shower?

Let Ss ask and answer in pairs, using always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever or never.

高三英语教学设计 第10篇

科目 英语

年级 高一


标题 Unit 18 The necklace

章节 第十八单元





accept, invitation, after all, continue, call on, day and night, pay back, at the most,

worth, not…any more


Where have you been all these days?

What happened?

We did have a good

Excuse I’ve lost a case I wonder if it’s been

Can you describe the case?

Where did you last have it?

We asked everyone there if they had found …, but without

We couldn’t find it; it was



He asked if she was

She asked him how many People were going to the



Guy de Maupassant(莫泊桑1850—1893)was a well—known French novelist and short –story 在少年时他就对文学表现出了浓厚的兴趣,很小的时候开始写作,在30多岁成为著明的小说家,他的大部分作品讲的是人们的日常生活。1871年开始,他在政府部门就职,这期间他熟悉了政府职员的生活。这段经历帮助他创造出了他的短篇小说“项链”。他的作品简洁明了,讽刺运用得恰到好处。莫泊桑晚年承受疾病围绕,1893年病逝于巴黎。


“项链”这篇课文是一个独幕剧,它包括三个人物:Mathilde Loisel, a yang woman;

Pierre Loisel, Mathilde’s husband, a government worker; Jeanne, Mathilde’s good


Scene1 A park in Paris ……walks towards

这部分用斜体表示,或象下文一样置于括号中,叫做舞台指导说明(stage directions )一般使用现在时态。戏剧一般首先介绍故事发生的时间(time)、地点(place)和剧中人物(characters)。在这一段中有了具体介绍。

…but I don’t think I know 我好象并不认识你。

I don’t think I should do 我认为我不该做那件事。

I don’t believe she will 我上信她不会来。

“think, believe” 这两个词的否定式在主句中表示,而宾语从句中的动词用肯定式。

In fact you 事实上你认识我。

=In fact, you know 为了避免和前面重复,所以用助动词代替。

①We all love singing, but he doesn’ 我们都喜欢唱歌,但他不喜欢。

②Class 2 went to a picnic, but Class 1 didn’ 2班去野餐了,但1班没去。

recognize 认识,辨认

①She was so changed that I hardly recognized 她变得我几乎认不出来了。

②Harry recognized me in the 亨利在人群中认出了我。

Where have you been all these years? 这些年你上哪儿去了?

The teacher asked Jane, “You didn’t come to school, last week, where have you been?”


That’s because of hard 那是因为劳累。

①He couldn’t go That’s because of his wounded


②He cried because of the pain in his arm = He cried because he had a pain in his


because of后面跟名词在句中作状语与because加句子引导的状语从句意义相同。

Have times been hard for you? 这些年境况不太好吧!

times这个词我们以前见过:(morden times )表示目前或某种特殊时期的生活情况或环


①He didn’t complain of hard times, but kept on working 他没有抱怨时势艰难,相反的是一直努力工作。

②Students thought times are terrible in 学生们认为7月是一段难熬的日子。

But what happened? 发生什么事了?

happen take 没有被动式。

①I remembered the whole things as if it happened


②──Why didn’t the boss come yesterday? 为什么老板昨天没来?

──An accident happened to 他出事了。

Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a

necklace of 10年前的一个下午,我到你家借过一条项链,你还记得吗?

Ten year ago和由when 引导的定语从句一起修饰

①Cart still remembers one afternoon in his first year when the professor took the students the Chemistry 卡尔仍然记得一年级时教授带学生到化学实验室去的那个下午的情景。

②There are thousands of starts in the sky that are like our


I’ve written to accept the 我已经写信表示接受邀请了。

①I received a note, but didn’t accept 我收到了一张支票,但没接受。

②Jack received my letter, and accepted my


③give An invitation给sb发邀请(invite to…)

refuse sb’s 拒绝sb的邀请。

I haven’t got an evening dress for the ball! 我没有参加晚会的礼服啊!

But, just this After all, this ball is very


after all“毕竟,终究,到底”。用来说服或提醒对方,引出对方似乎忘记了的某个


①They met with difficulties, but I hear that they’re succeeded after


②She said she would not go to the ball, but she went there after


I have no jewellery to 我没有首饰戴。


①She always dresses in 她总是穿着绿色的衣服。

②Dress at once! 立刻穿上衣服。

③The mother dresses the baby 妈妈每天给小宝宝穿衣服。


④He’s wearing a new coat 他今天穿了一件新大衣。

但不能说:Wear your clothes at

Can’t you just wear a flower instead? 难道不能就戴一朵花吗?


①Hasn’t Albert telephoned you? Albert还没有打电话来吗?(说话人认为Albert本该


②It’s getting Can’t you walk a little faster? 天快黑了,你不能走快点吗?(说话


She married a man with a lot of 她嫁了一个很有钱的人。

marry 娶了某人/嫁给某人。get married结了婚。

be/ get married to 与某人结婚,不能用

①—Is Jack married? Jack结婚了吗?

—He got married last 他去年结婚了。

②He has been married to Mary for 他和Mary结婚3年了。

③Alice married a Alice和一个法国人结婚了。

So I called on you…


call on/ upon visit 到家看望。

①It’s to years since I last called on my former


Call at sb’s 到家看望。

②“I’ll call at your house tomorrow Are you free? “— You’re ”


You tried it on and it looked wonderful on


①Never buy shoes without trying them on 鞋子要先试再买。

②The tailor asked the girl to try on the new 裁缝要那个小孩试一下新衣服。

try on: 试穿,试戴。

Perhaps in those days I 也许那时候我是(个漂亮的姑娘)…


①She said it was a valuable It really


②“Are they in the park?” “I think they ” “他们在公园里吗?”“我想是的”。

Pierre and I did have a very good time at the



①Do come here next 下星期日一定来啊!

②I did agree with 我完全赞同你。

③She does keep her 她确实一贯遵守诺言。

But that was the last moment of happiness in our


On our way home…… that the necklace was not around my neck any more!


not ……any 不再。

①Don’t make the same mistake any 不要再犯同样的错误了。

②She doesn’t live here any 她不再住在这儿了。

It was exactly like your necklace, but it was a different



①There are two The one on the shelf is 这有2本书,书架上那本是我的。

②There are lots of dresses in the You can try on the ones you


During the next ten years… to pay back the money we had borrowed (= In order to return

the money which we had borrowed, both of us worked a long time every day in the next ten


pay back作“偿还”,“还钱”解。pay back money to pay back money for

①“—I’ll pay back the money to you next Is it ok?”“我下星期还钱给你,行吗?”

—“That’s ok!” 好吧!

②“Have you paid back the money for the foods?” 购买食品的钱还了没有?

③They paid off all the debts on 他们按时把债还清了。

④Once we have paid off the store, we shall owe money to no


That’s why I come and ask for 这就是为什么我显得这样苍老。

“Why” 在这里相当于“the reason why …”即(为什么)…的原因。

He had stolen the That’s why he was


It wasn’t valuable at 它根本就不值钱。

at all“全然”“完全”。常用于否定句中“not…at all”“完全不”,“根本不”。 ①She’s rather lazy, not at all suitable for the 她太懒了,根本不适合这个职业。

②I don’t believe her at 我根本就不相信她。

It was worth five hundred francs at the most… 它最多值500法郎。

be worth+ /doing “值(多少钱)”

①This piece of jewelry is worth $ 这件手饰值500美元。

②His suggestion is worth consideration / 他的建议值得考虑。

③The museum is worth a 那个博物馆值得一看。

He is now at the Lost and







直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变成间接引语时,还要用if / whether引导。如果在引语中含有“or”,则只能用

① He asked her, “Are you pleased?” ?

He asked her if / whether she was

②She asked me, “Have you finished the work?” ?

She asked me if / where I had finished the

③ Mother asked, “Will you stay at home or go with us?” ?

Mother asked (me) whether I would stay at home or go with


① She asked me, “Where have you been all these years?” ?

She asked me where I had been all those

② He asked Tom, “What are you looking for?” ?

He asked Tom what he was looking

③ He asked me, “Why didn’t you stop her?” ?

He asked me why I hadn’t stopped



高三英语教学设计 第11篇




1.What does the woman think the man should do?

A.Wait patiently.

B.Place another order.

C.Go and find the furniture.

2.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Professor and assistant.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Manager and secretary.

3.How much does the man have to pay if he buys two pencils now?

A.10 cents.

B.15 cents.

C.20 cents.

4.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is going abroad before Christmas.

B.She hasn’t been invited to the Christmas party.

C.She doesn’t want to spend Christmas with the man.

5.Whom has the man called to come over?

A.A salesman.

B.An engineer.

C.A repairman.


(Text 1)

M:I haven’t received the furniture I ordered yet.Maybe I should call to check on it.

W:Don’t worry.It takes at least a week to arrive.

(Text 2)

W:Excuse me,I’m having trouble hearing at the back of the room.Did you say that your assistant would correct the final exams?

M:No,I said that he would collect them.I’ll grade them﹎yself.

(Text 3)

W:What can I do for you?

M:How much are these pencils,please?

W:2 for 15 cents now.Prices have been reduced on all our school supplies since the holiday.Pencils used to be 10 cents each.

(Text 4)

M:I hope you’ll spend Christmas with us.We’re going to have a big party on Christmas Eve.

W:I’d love to,but Jack and I are going to Australia.We’ll send you postcards from there.

(Text 5)

W:Hello.Sunlight Housing Service.Can I help you?

M:This is Mr.Jones.My heater isn’t working and the temperature is going to get down below freezing.Could you come over to fix it?

W:This is our busiest time of the year,but I’ll speak to one of our men about it sometime today.



  编辑特别推荐: 篮球运球说课稿五年级班级安全工作计划法制建设年工作总结2022脱贫攻坚宣传标语行政中心工作总结集资修路倡议书小小建筑师教案协警工作总结信仰观后感心得体会营养餐食品安全应急预案, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!