

作者:edditor12023-04-12 09:00:01590


杭州灵隐寺导游词 第1篇





杭州灵隐寺导游词 第2篇

Ladies and gentlemen, Hangzhou is a famous historical and cultural city in It is one of the seven ancient In history, it is known as the "southeast Buddhist kingdom". The artistic conception of "480 temples in the Southern Dynasties, many buildings in the misty rain" can still be felt in Hangzhou Now, we have arrived at Lingyin scenic

Lingyin scenic area is not only famous for the millennium old Lingyin Temple, but also the art treasures of ancient grottoes, the statue of Feilai Here famous mountains and rivers, famous anecdotes, famous springs, famous pavilions, famous temples and famous Buddhas are integrated, forming an elegant, beautiful, rich cultural atmosphere of Xianshan Buddhist

Please look at the screen wall with the words "near West sky". "Near" is the unit of calculating the length of Zhou Dynasty in China, "near" means very That is to say, only one step forward from here is Lingyin Temple in the Buddhist Now, please follow me to the scenic

"Overview of Feilai peak, Qinglin cave":

"Streams and mountains can be lush I love Lingyin flying ". The picturesque little mountain breeze with an altitude of only 168 meters in front of us is the Feilai peak mentioned in Su Dongpo's It is said that more than 1600 years ago, Huili, an eminent Indian monk, came to Seeing the strange peaks and rocks here, he was surprised and said, "this is the small ridge of lingjiu mountain in Central I don't know when it will come here?" so later generations called this mountain Feilai peak, also known as lingjiu It is also said that Feilai peak comes from Mount Emei, and there is a story about Jigong living Buddha robbing the It can be said that "mountains are not high, immortals are ".

In fact, the klippe was formed in the Permian period in the geological history, with a history of 200 million It is a limestone Its main component is calcium Its texture is brittle and easy to be eroded and weathered by Over the years, it has formed many caves with different Nature has created the klippe of "no stone, no water, no quiet, no ancient". What is particularly precious is that in the natural caves and on the cliffs, there are a large number of stone sculptures from the Five Dynasties, song and Yuan There are 153 niches and more than 470 statues in the area about 600 meters long and 200 meters wide, of which 338 are well These exquisite sculptures not only add mystery to Qifeng Xiushi, but also make Feilai peak an art treasure house in China's Well, now the place we come to is called "Qinglin cave". Because the mouth of the cave looks like a tiger's mouth, it is also called "tiger cave".

Please look up and have a close The three large Buddha statues above the entrance of the Qinglin cave are the "three saints of Huayan": in the middle is the "piluzana Buddha", the highest god in the Tantric On the left is Manjusri Bodhisattva, and on the right is Puxian Built in 1282, this niche is the earliest one in the works of Yuan

Next to the "three saints of Huayan", there are three small Buddha statues, known as the "three saints of the west". They were carved in 951, the first year of Guangshun in the late Zhou Dynasty, which is the earliest of all the sculptures in The one in the middle is called amituo He is the leader of the Western Paradise, and he is called wuliangshou Buddha and Jieyin On both sides are his right and left flanks to serve dashizhi Bodhisattva and Guanyin Although this work has been weathered, it still shows the exquisite artistic style of the Five

Let's take another look at the cliff on the right side of the cave There is a relief of the Buddhist story "Lushena Buddhist Association". This is the most exquisite sculpture in the Feilai In the middle of the niche, seated on the lotus seat, is Lushena Buddha, the supreme god of Tantric It can shine on all living beings with light, so it is called "Dali Tathagata". Lushena Buddha is wearing a crown, a cassock, and arms On the left and right sides of the lion and elephant are Manjusri Bodhisattva and Puxian There are also four heavenly kings and four In addition, they are provided with a total of 15 Besides the niche, there are two "flying sky" reliefs, both of which were created in 1022 ad, the first year of Qianxing in the Northern Song This group of relief, carving lines are very delicate and vivid, very modern decorative painting

杭州灵隐寺导游词 第3篇

Lingyin Temple, also known as Yunlin temple, is located in the northwest of the West Lake in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Between the Feilai peak and the north peak, the two peaks face each other in the foothills of Lingyin The trees are towering and The ancient temple in the deep mountains is full of clouds and It is a scenic resort and one of the famous ancient temples in the south of the Yangtze

History of Lingyin Temple

Founded in the first year of Xianhe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (326 AD), it has a history of more than 1600 years and is the earliest famous temple in At that time, Huili, an Indian monk, came to Hangzhou and saw the picturesque peaks He thought that it was "hidden by immortals", so he built a temple here and named it "Lingyin". During Kangxi's tour to the south of Qing Dynasty, he once climbed to the top of the north peak after the He saw that the cloud forest at the foot of the mountain was deserted, and the whole temple was shrouded in a light morning mist, which made it very So he named Lingyin Temple "Yunlin Temple". The four giant plaques of Yunlin temple in front of Tianwang hall are the "imperial pen" of Emperor In the heyday of Lingyin Temple, there were nine floors, eighteen pavilions and seventy-two halls, with more than 3000 In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were many temples in the south of the Yangtze River, and the magnificent Lingyin Temple was listed as the top of the five mountains of the Zen Lingyin Temple really has the meaning of "Yin". The whole majestic temple is hidden in the green of the West In front of the temple are cold springs and Feilai

Main landscape of Lingyin Temple:

Tianwang Hall

The first hall in the gate of Lingyin Temple is the heavenly king There are two huge plaques on the top of the hall The plaque "Yunlin Temple" was given by Emperor Kangxi, the sage of Qing Lingyin Temple was also known as Yunlin temple, which is based on The inscription "the eagle flies" is written by Huang Because there is Feilai peak on the opposite side of the It is said that this peak comes from the Indian spirit Eagle Huili monk of the Eastern Jin Dynasty thinks that this peak is hidden by the immortal, and the name of Lingyin Temple is due to Because there are four heavenly kings in this hall, it is called heavenly king

In the middle of the hall, Maitreya is worshipped, with a big belly and a When you step forward, he seems to be smiling at Do you know what his big belly contains? Do you ever understand why he should laugh so heartily? The answer is: big belly can accommodate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world; laugh heartily and laugh at people who are ridiculous in the

Maitreya is a transliteration of Sanskrit, which means According to the Sutra, Maitreya was born into a Brahman family, and later became a disciple of the He first went to the end of the Buddha and said that the Bodhisattva was heaven and man, and he lived in The statue of fat Maitreya is a monk of the Five He was born in Fenghua, Mingzhou (now Fenghua, Zhejiang Province) and became a monk in Yuelin Before his death, he sat on a rock in Yuelin temple and said, "Maitreya is It's really It's divided into tens of billions of It shows people all the time, but people don't know " People think that he is the incarnation of Maitreya, so the statue is dedicated to

On both sides of the statue of Maitreya, you can see four tall and powerful They are all wearing armor, holding weapons, glaring, giving people a sense of They are a bit like the generals in the ancient battlefield of our These are the four golden Ganges that you have heard from time to But please don't be afraid! They are all great generals who protect the They are powerful and They go to evil and promote good and protect everyone who does So they are also called "four heavenly kings of protecting the world" in

Among them, the one holding the lute is the king holding the kingdom in the East, the one holding the sword is the king growing up in the south, the one with the arm twining a dragon is the king holding the eye in the west, and the one with the umbrella in the right hand and the silver rat in the left hand is the king hearing more in the Their four magic weapons represent "Feng", "Diao", "Yu" and "Shun" respectively, which symbolizes "smooth weather and peaceful country". According to the Buddhist Scripture, the world of all living beings is divided into the desire world and the Ruwu Each realm practices meditation

The level of Kung Fu can be divided into several The highest heaven in the world of desire is the "six desire heaven", which is inhabited by the God of The four heavenly kings who uphold Buddhism in the world of desire refer to the eastern heavenly kings, the southern heavenly kings, the Western heavenly kings and the northern heavenly Also known as the four heavenly kings, the four heavenly kings of protecting the world, and the four heavenly kings of protecting the The first is the crab of Xumi mountain, which is called "Four Heavenly Kings". There stands a big mountain called This mountain has four peaks, on which the four heavenly kings and their families They "protect each other for one ".

(1) The king of heaven in the East is white, holding a lute and wearing "Holding the kingdom" means that the king is merciful and protects all living Guard Dongsheng

(2) The king of growth in the south is blue in color, wearing armor and holding a It is said that he got his name because he can make all living beings grow good Guard Nanzhan

(3) The king of heaven with wide eyes in the West has a red body and a dragon in his The so-called "wide eyes" is said in the Buddhist Scripture to purify the eyes of heaven, observe the world at any time and protect all living Guard Xiniu

(4) In the north, there is a lot of news about the king of He is He holds an umbrella shaped banner in his right hand and a silver rat in his To be well-known means to be well-known all over the He is also the God of wealth, who can subdue the demons and protect the property of all living beings with his umbrella and silver Guard the North Gulu

Behind the statue of Maitreya, you can see a statue - Bodhisattva He holds the pestle of subduing demons with incomparable dignity, symbolizing the surrender of all evil forces in the He vowed to protect the Dharma and serve all living beings Wei Tuo, transliterated as private jiantuo in According to the Buddhist scriptures, this God, also known as general Wei Tian, is one of the Eight Generals under the southern growth heavenly king and the first general among the 32 generals of the four heavenly He is the most famous Dharma protector of monks, monasteries and When the Buddha was about to enter Nirvana, general Wei had been instructed by the Buddha to protect the Therefore, in today's Buddhist temples, Weituo statues are generally Sakyamuni statues facing the main hall to protect the Buddha and expel evil The statue of Wei Tuo in Lingyin Temple is a relic of the early Southern Song Dynasty, which has a history of more than 800 The image of Wei Tuo is high

meters, is carved with a camphor It is one of the earliest existing Buddha statues in Lingyin main hall

The main hall, commonly referred to as the "main hall", is a place for monks to chant scriptures and practice together in the morning and According to the Buddhist scriptures, Sakyamuni Buddha has the wisdom and power to subdue the five demons, the vexing demons, the dead demons and the heavenly It is called "Mahatma", which means all fearless Later, it was regarded as Sakyamuni's "Virtue". Therefore, the temple also called the main hall of Sakyamuni Buddha as the main

In front of the door of this hall, there are four words of "miaozhongyu" written by Zhang Zongxiang, the former director of Zhejiang Provincial At the bottom of this magnificent plaque, there are four words of "Da Xiong Bao Dian", which was rewritten for the second time by the late calligrapher Sha Menghai in "Daxiong" is the name of It means that Buddha has great power and can subdue It means that Sakyamuni is noble and

This hall is a Tang style building built in the Qing It adopts the traditional method of single-layer triple resting on the top of the mountain in ancient With the high eaves and wings, the huge roof appears light and The tile decoration, window pattern, Dougong, flying relief and cloud dragon drawing on the ceiling all show the superb art of ancient Chinese The hall is meters in height, seven rooms in width, and four questions in It is grand and It is rare in other Buddhist temples in

The Buddha sitting on the lotus platform in the middle of the hall is In 1953, when the Lingyin Temple was rebuilt, Professor Deng Bai from the East China branch of the Central Academy of fine arts, based on the famous Buddhist sculptures of Zen in the Tang Dynasty, carefully designed and co created with East China folk artists, and carved with 24 pieces of camphor It was approved by Premier Zhou Enlai This statue of Buddha with lotus seat is meters high, only meters It is the largest camphor wood statue in The Buddha statue is full-bodied, kind and Sit on the lotus stand, lift your left hand up and make a auspicious Lean your head forward slightly and gaze at your

When you enter the temple and look up, you can see the Buddha's line of sight, which shows the Buddha's care for all living

The statues standing on the East and west sides of the hall are called the twenty They come from the golden light They are gods in charge of the sun, the moon, the earth, water, electricity, fire, rain, wind and The ten Eastern statues are: pojieluolong, zengtianwang, qiangdishen, guizimu, weituozuntian, moshouluotian, duokuangtianwang, dagongdetian, rigong Tianzi and The ten statues in the West are: Yanluo emperor, molizhitian, Guanglv emperor, bodhi tree god, Sanzhi general, Vajra Miji, CHIGUO emperor, dadiancaitian, Yuegong emperor and Emperor Their weapons and weapons symbolize their great From the clothes they wear, we can see that they imitate the clothes of the civil and military officials of the feudal

There are 12 statues sitting on the East and west sides of the They are known as "twelve yuan Jue", which means "complete consciousness". It is said that they are the twelve disciples of the From the East, they are Manjusri, Puyan, xianshou, Guangyin, Maitreya and Jingyin; from the west, they are Puxian, miaogue, Shanhui, Shanjian, jingangzang and The layout of the hall with twelve senses is very rare in Buddhist temples all over the

On the back wall of the main hall, you can see a group of large sculptures, more than 20 meters All the sculpture materials are made of clay without any It takes "the boy worships the Avalokitesvara" as the main body, and has 150 Buddha statues of different sizes, all of which have different and lifelike It also fully shows the allusion that the good fortune boy in the Buddhist Sutra of Huayan traveled to the South and visited 53 famous teachers before he could achieve the right It is the so-called "53 ginseng".

This group of sculptures is divided into three layers: sky, earth and The haggard and scaly statue on the top is the form of Sakyamuni's practice in the snow mountain before he became a The gold body sitting on the unicorn in the middle is like the Bodhisattva of In the middle of the bottom is the well-known Guanyin Bodhisattva with a water bottle in his He steps on the fish and takes the This fish is said to be the king of the In the blink of an eye, it may cause landslides, tsunamis, floods and Later, it was tamed by Guanyin Bodhisattva, so it became the seat of Guanyin On the right side of Guanyin Bodhisattva, there is a boy with hands folded and wearing a red belly He is On the left side is the Dragon The folk legend of "golden boy and jade girl" refers to This group of yongbi group sculptures can be said to be excellent works of Buddhist art, which fully embodies the divine skill of religious

Pharmacist Hall

The third Hall of the temple, the hall of pharmacists, has a single-layer double eaves on the top of the There are seven rooms on the top of the hall and three rooms in the Above the main door, there are three characters named "Hall of pharmacists" by Zhao Puchu, the former president of the Chinese Buddhist The characters are dignified and On the lotus pedestal of the hall is the pharmacist Standing on the left side is the sunlight Bodhisattva, holding the sun in his hand, symbolizing Standing on the right side is the moonlight Bodhisattva, holding the moon in his hand, symbolizing They are collectively known as the "three saints of the East".

According to the records of the book of pharmacists, the pharmacist Buddha is the leader of the Oriental pure glass world, also known as the "king of Medicine Buddha". Because he can make all living beings free from pain and happiness, relieve pain and disasters, so people also call him "disaster relief and longevity medicine Buddha". When he was practicing Bodhisattva, he made twelve great wishes, each of which was to fulfill the wishes of all living beings, relieve their suffering and cure their

The Oriental pure glass world is more than Everything there is incomparably pure and There are no five evils and no three It is a pure land that Buddhists yearn

The twelve statues on both sides of the hall are the twelve disciples of the pharmacist Buddha, known as "medicine boy", also known as the "medicine fork" and "Magic general". Each of them had seven thousand divine soldiers for him to They were on duty for twelve hours to educate and protect all living

Dharma Hall

Zhizhitang, the fourth Hall of the Zhizhi, which means "Zhizhi people's heart, Zhizhi hall", is also equivalent to other monasteries' Dharma In monasteries, it is mainly used for preaching Many large-scale Dharma meetings in monasteries are held

In the middle of the Dharma hall, there is a platform carved with Dongyang wood, which is very There is a Leo on it, which is the Dharma seat when the mage Master Xun Yin preaches that the Dharma of the Tathagata can destroy the evil spirits of the outside It's like a lion roaring, and all animals will obey it, so it's named On the back of the seats, there are exquisite sculptures, which are the main features of the Dharma The so-called Falun refers to the Buddha's view that there is more than one person and one place, just like a wheel, which is continuous, so it is called

Cultural relics exhibition hall

Below the hall is the cultural relics exhibition hall of Lingyin Temple, covering an area of 638 square It is equipped with water-proof, fire-proof, moisture-proof, electronic monitoring and air-conditioning There are 40 or 50 display cabinets in the hall, which contain the cultural relics of Lingyin The collection can be roughly divided into four aspects: first, the magic tools used by the abbots of Lingyin Temple, such as FengChen and Ruyi; second, the pure cultural relics, such as the porcelain vases of the Southern Song Dynasty; third, the Buddhist cultural relics, such as the Beiye Sutra, the Sutra written by the Tang people, and the unearthed Buddha statues; Finally, there are rich and unusual treasures of calligraphy and painting, such as Wu Changshuo's seal writing banners, Ren Bonian's fan, Sha Menghai's handwritten couplet, and the living Buddha Jigong painted by the bamboo Zen monks in the Qing Some of the cultural relics are extremely precious and have been approved by the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of cultural relics

1、 Cultural relics under second and third level The cultural relics exhibition hall can be said to be a miniature of the history of Lingyin It embodies the broad and profound Buddhist culture and is a real treasure

杭州灵隐寺导游词 第4篇














杭州灵隐寺导游词 第5篇









杭州灵隐寺导游词 第6篇

When you travel to Hangzhou, you can have a look at the West Lake and Lingyin is located at the Feilai peak in the west of the West Lake, not far from the West It can be said that you have to

It is said that Huili, an Indian monk, came to Hangzhou at the beginning of the Eastern Jin It is said that more than 1600 years ago, Huili, an Indian monk, came to When he saw the picturesque peaks here, he thought it was "hidden by immortals". He built a temple here and named it

There is a cold spring Pavilion outside the Tianwang Hall of Lingyin It is said that Su Dongpo used to drink and write poems on the cold spring Pavilion when he was the prefect of

The mountains and rocks in Lingyin area are rugged, and the scenery is absolutely Huili, an Indian monk, said: "this is the small ridge of lingjiu mountain in the Middle Kingdom of I don't know why it came here?", so it is called "Feilai peak".

Feilaifeng is a rare ancient grotto art treasure in the south of the Yangtze River, which can be compared with Dazu stone carvings in Su Dongpo once wrote a poem that "streams and mountains can be lush everywhere, and his favorite poem is Lingyin flying to the peak".

In 1993, Lingyin scenic area opened a new "Chinese Grottoes art collection garden", which, taking advantage of the potential of feilaifeng mountain forest, miniature Chinese famous Grottoes art classic Statues (such as Leshan Giant Buddha, Longmen Grottoes, ), which is worth

Special care: when you travel to Lingyin, you must take a picture in front of the largest stone carving of Feilai peak, Maitreya Tatu The viewing fee is 1

Catering: you Lingyin, look at Feilai peak, don't forget: there are mountains outside the mountains, there is heaven After appreciating Buddhist culture, you can go to Tianwaitian restaurant beside Hejian bridge to eat The stream is gurgling in front of the building, and the ancient temple bells can be heard Is it a special flavor to taste delicious food here?

Lingyin Temple is located in front of Feilai peak in the northwest of Hangzhou West It is one of the famous "ten temples" in Chinese According to legend, more than 1600 years ago, Huili, an Indian monk, came to When he saw the picturesque peaks here, he thought that it was "hidden by immortals". He built a temple here and named it

The main buildings in the temple are the heavenly king hall and the great The seated statue of Maitreya at the entrance of Tianwang hall has a history of 200 The statue of Wei Tuo, the God of Dharma protection behind Maitreya Buddha, was created in the Southern Song The main hall, meters high, is one of the best preserved single story temple buildings with double eaves in In the center of the hall, there is a gold-plated statue of Sakyamuni, meters With the lotus base and the Buddha light top plate, it is meters The seated statue is carved with 24 pieces of Cinnamomum camphora wood, which is fine and On both sides of the main hall, there are images of "twenty heavens" and "Twelve Yuanjue", with different and vivid There are more than 150 relief sculptures on the back of the There are stone pagodas built in the Five Dynasties and Scripture buildings built in the second year of Kaibao (969) of the Northern Song Dynasty on both sides of the Daxiong hall and the Tianwang hall, which are more than 1000 years Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty once inscribed "Yunlin Temple".

The mountains and rocks in Lingyin are rugged, and the scenery is absolutely Huili, an Indian monk, said, "this is the small ridge of lingjiu mountain in central I don't know how to fly here?" so it's called "Feilai peak". Feilai peak, also known as lingjiu peak, is 168 meters The mountain is composed of limestone, which is quite different from the surrounding No stone is strange, no tree is ancient, no cave is The grotesque rocks in the hall of Feilai peak are like a dragon, a running elephant, a crouching tiger and a startling They are like a stone The old trees and vines on the mountain are intertwined; the rock bones are exposed, and the edges of the peaks are Yuan Hongdao, a native of the Ming Dynasty, once praised: "among the peaks on the lake, Feilai should be the

There are 345 cliff statues of the Five Dynasties, Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty carved in the cave and the cliff along the Among them, the Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism) statues of the Yuan Dynasty are the most precious, which can be called the gem of the stone kiln statue art in Therefore, it is a national key cultural relic protection

At the West foot of Feilai peak, there is a cold spring hidden in the deep green The spring water is crystal clear as On the clear surface of the pool, there is a big underground spring gushing No matter whether the stream rises or falls, it gushes ceaselessly, flying pearls and splashing jade, like playing the sound of Shen Shitian, a painter of the Ming Dynasty, wrote: "the scenery on the lake is very quiet, and the scenery is only in the cold "There is a cold spring Pavilion beside the cold spring

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