

作者:edditor12023-03-14 15:41:12528


工作总结英文 第1篇









(1)坚持课前热身活动。为了培养学生听说及口语表达能力,课前设置5分钟热身活动,让学生轮流做Duty Report,内容形式不限,随着学生词汇量的加大和内容的深入,到八年级,开始加大难度,一位学生做Duty Report,其他学生认真听,听完以后回答老师就Duty Report中设置的问题。到九年级,进一步加大难度,学生不仅要听,听完以后自问自答。这种由浅入深的方法既符合学生接受能力,又循序渐进的有效的训练了学生的听说和口语交际能力,为中考的口语测试打下基础。为了扩展学生的交际用语,进行了课程整合,每节课前给学生教两句Crazy English ,其中包括名言警句、谚语、常用英语绝佳句型100句、关于天气的经典会话、经典赞美30句、表示喜怒哀乐的英文短句、1000句最常用英语口语、绝对精品英文句型(100句)、日常生活中常用的英语五星级句子等。大大提高了学生的口语交际和写作能力。









评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己的学习过程,平时重视形成性评价,对学生学习过程中的表现我经常会用鼓励和发展性的口头评价:”You are great。” “You did a good job。” “Well done。” Would

工作总结英文 第2篇

First, moral and civic literacy

I abide by the law and abide by social morality. Respecting teachers, respecting the teachers, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly and the elderly, Unity of students, love the collective, love public property, help each other, concerned about the students. At home, filial piety elders, so that "will tell, back will face", often help parents do housework, such as washing dishes, wipe, and do some simple meals. The initiative in the car to the elderly and sick people need seats, at any time within their power to help people in need.

I love the motherland, concerned about national affairs, to oneself is a Chinese and feel proud. Every time the national anthem is played and the national flag is raised, my heart is always very excited. Like every Chinese person who loves the motherland, for the arrival of that momentAnd cheered!

Actively participate in various activities. Participate in and organize classes and schools in a variety of extra-curricular activities, activities and students to live in harmony, concern for the collective, has a strong sense of collective honor. Willing to help others, in a variety of labor actively work hard, not afraid of dirty, not afraid of tired. Actively participate in social practice, often consult the teacher of various economic organizations, as well as the economic structure of the rights and obligations of the staff for the future into the community in preparation.

Second, learning attitude and innovation

Ability to learn can become useful to society. I have been studying hard, learning attitude is correct, purpose clear. Class to listen carefully, take the initiative to participate in the discussion, after school hours to complete the job. Has a strong independent learning ability, like and students to discuss issues. Can take the initiative to complete the learning tasks, good grades.

Can reasonably arrange after-school time, get up on time, rest on time.Learning online at home to find information to take the initiative off the assembly line, not on the bad site to browse, never been to Internet cafes, no addiction. To control their own watching TV, finishing their own room and clothing, make up classes do not have parental transfer, self-management and self-reliance.

I like a wide range, with curiosity, like to explore and think about the problem, like to see "I love the invention", with a certain sense of innovation.

Cooperation and Exchange

I am lively and cheerful, optimistic attitude towards life, positive, strong communication skills, with a strong team spirit, and actively participate in the collective activities of useful, care for the collective honor, work seriously responsible, with certain organizational skills. Can take the initiative to help teachers organize a variety of activities, teachers have regarded me as a good helper.

I am good at communication and cooperation with others, whenever I have a happy thing, I will share with friends. I love life, I like to observe life, in order to develop my practical ability, I will participate in some activities, not only to know some friends, you can also open up horizons.

Work in a serious and responsible, in the work, students can unite together, good at synergy with others "combat", social practice ability, the ability to accept new things fast, optimistic, hobbies, and can do a good job every one thing. Be able to actively make progress and take the initiative to challenge some difficulties.

Fourth, exercise and health

Actively participate in physical exercise, a good physical education class, the results qualified. Usually pay attention to exercise, like playing badminton and cycling, will take advantage of free time and holiday to play badminton and cycling. Good health, focusing on personal and environmental hygiene. Mental health, emotional stability, to control their complex in a variety of environments to play their roles.

Fifth, the aesthetic and performance

I like music, movies and art, dress neat. Have a healthy aesthetic taste, appreciate and listen to, do not pursue and accept low-level, vulgar things.

工作总结英文 第3篇






工作总结英文 第4篇

Time flies, a semester is soon over, look back six months can say hectic and gain a Thanks for all school leaders and teachers care and help to make progress and I have to improve in all Next, I work for the past six months to do a brief review and summary of the following

Ability to work

In the teaching process has always been implementing the concept of the new education curriculum Accurate understanding and firmly grasp the core concept of the new curriculum, so that the classroom to life, for students living in the world and social To independence, cooperation and explore ways of learning to enable students to participate in the teaching, so that the classroom is full of new

The stringent requirements of students, respect for students, promote the teaching of democracy, so that students learning anything, and continuously improve, so as to continuously improve their teaching and ideological consciousness, successfully completed the task of

The teaching process as teachers and cooperation, interaction and common development, to achieve the integration of Teachers' Role Shifting, curriculum and instruction, effectively improve the teaching

Business learning

Strengthen theoretical, empirical articles, and the outline of More learning, extensive learning education teaching theoretical knowledge, efforts to form a more complete theoretical knowledge structure,

Participate seriously in every teaching and research activities, and seriously make a

Outstanding teachers to observe school curriculum, and do a good job recording and Problems in the teaching process involved should take the initiative to consult an experienced and excellent teachers learn from each

More specifically research, done carefully prepare each lesson, and study materials, and strive to better each In the preparation process of careful analysis of materials, design lesson plans based on the actual situation of teaching materials and student In the classroom, trying to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, as much as possible so that each student participate in the

Do a good job teaching reflection, so that learning - practice exchange --- --- Serious reflection and good record, record your own shortcomings to be improved and part of correct and timely, so that I can do in the teaching process weaknesses, for every time there is progress, to reinforce the

Increased reading time, more books, more After school, I insist often read books and newspapers, such as "young teachers", "new education", "moral education" and other magazines and Multi-capture all aspects of information, constantly filling and make up their own to improve their own gold comprehensive cultural To understand the dynamic information of teaching, often the Internet to find some excellent lesson plans courseware learning, strive to improve their teaching level, so I gain a lot, both on the students and interpersonal skills, or arrange classroom teaching, I there had been substantial

Improve courseware making skills, and take advantage of the school's multimedia teaching equipment, widely used in

Aspects of personal qualities

Continuous learning and thinking, improve their professional and ethical

Hands, according to the direction of professional ethics to do to promote further improve the quality of self and

Introspective self-test, the importance of personal language, instruments, and other aspects of the specification and correct, and constant self-reflection, to better fulfill a teacher

The above is my summary of self-improvement of the semester, this semester's work, although coming to an end, but in the future of education and teaching, I will continue to work hard to true love and true heart to fulfill my educational



















工作总结英文 第5篇

in the first half year,under the vigorouse support of GGF and the enthusiastic crew in the office,the job has been almost finished by the end of this year.

major task for the first year:

A.inner Adjustment:

For all the office crew joined the association for obligation,the have little experience of environmental protection and less special knowledge of birds.in order to make them better understand the task of nGo,and also to improve working efficiency,we have got together to study "" and "The Reform of chinese organization" at the beginning of this year.we focused on the situation and foreground of nGo in china.At the following time we concentrated on how to develop ourselves and what means can we use to streghten,ect.After approximately two weeks‘ argumentation,we learnt many about what we should do.now,we can cooperate with each other much better.


1.Personal experience:we are all in firm believing that the movement of observing birds being a great measurement,which will increase people‘s lovefor them.Dalian is a hilly area which makes it quite different from here to there.For the sake of gathering more suitable place to observe birds,the 8 of our cadremen went to the Bin Hai Road,Dahei mountain,lushun Farmland and circumjacent villages and towns.Finally,we chose lao Tie mountain,the forest in Bin Hai Road,Bird‘s Forest,Two islands Bay,lushun Farm etc.This has established the basement of observing birds in the Autumn.

2.in order to promote more and more people to protect the birds in Dalian,we held an article match with the theme of "Take Good care of Birds in Dalian".There are two advantages:on one hand,we could seize this opportunity to propagate to the thousands of college students in Dalian to pay more attention of birds.on the other hand,we‘d like to let more citizens know what the birds,as same as humanbeings,are worth cherishing by college students‘pleasure articles.

3.in order to widely propagate for cherishing the birds,in the early may,we held a bicycle-riding for signiture movement with the same theme "Take Good care of Birds in Dalian".This activity was run cooperatively with the environmental Protecting Association of Dalian maritime university,Dalian Daily,new Business and several other broadcasting station also made immediate report.we altogether more than 30 people sent the handbills,collected signitures,made survey,which made this activity more splendid.not only was the scroll filled with people‘s signiture,even before 10 o‘clock,but also many people felt pity that they haven‘t got a place to sign their name on.After hearing our secretary-general weiwei Jiang‘s english introduction,a tourist from ireland was very glad of signing his name,and left a word "significative movements"for us.we felt really happy to see that this activity had so wide influnce,and so many people attended it.All these were the affirmation of our efforts,and reflected that in the modern metropolis there are also a lot of people loving nature.

4.in the early June,we have edited "The message of Birds in Dalian"n2.we compiled the keystone of our work and splendid articles into the book.we usually communicate with other Birds Association for the nGo and related experience.in Dalian locality,we often go out to send handbills in the universities,elementary school near lushun in which birds formicating.we‘d like to make them understand that birds also have their own emotions.Anyone, who destroys the nature,will equal to destroy humankind.

Problem existing:For cadremen‘s lack of expenrience for organizing the activities,things are short of proper arrangement;For they have little knowledge of birds,there are still many little problems existing when editing program or holding the activities.

The main task of the second half of year:

1.The investigation of Black-faced Spoonbill of Dalian in winter

2.The propagation and education of several grade schools in lushun

3.The edition and publishment of "The message of Birds in Dalian"n2,and the edition of n4

July 26th xx

wild Bird Society of Dalian

工作总结英文 第6篇

At the end of the XX year, summed up the work of the past year, self-evaluation. Evaluation of their own situation over the past year, for next year can be better, more targeted development to prepare themselves for self-evaluation is also very necessary.

Time flies, and then spent a blink of an eye for a year. Looking back this year, I am very happy to be able to make progress with my colleagues. I have also learned a lot of knowledge and skills in my colleague. Thank you for helping me in the past year. In the past year, I can evaluate myself as a qualified employee, on time and quantity to complete the company's work. But think of when a company's outstanding employees but there is still some distance. I think that when the company's outstanding staff, not only in the work to do well, the business should be excellent. Moreover, in the person, the need for integrity, modesty, cohesion, can drive the company's colleagues work hard for the company, the cause of recognition, business capabilities continue to strengthen. In the past year's performance, self-evaluation of their own or a lot of problems, need to learn and improve things there are many.

These are my year-end summary of my work in the XX self-evaluation. I know I have a lot of problems, but I will continue to work hard to improve their self-cultivation, improve their own quality, improve operational capacity and improve themselves. For the company's development and struggle.

工作总结英文 第7篇





















工作总结英文 第8篇
































工作总结英文 第9篇

In July 20XX, I joined Baosteel Group BaGang , , and in the past year and a half I have been enthusiastic about my work, I have been strict with myself and my work I always keep my "modest", "prudent" The attitude of leadership in the cultivation of care and the help of colleagues to support, and always diligent study, proactive, and strive to improve themselves, and always work hard and earnestly complete the task, perform good job duties, outstanding performance in all aspects, has been the leadership and colleagues We are Through their own continuous efforts, whether ideological, learning or work, have made considerable development and tremendous Through this year's work and study, I realized that the growth of a qualified technician is a bright future, full of hope at the same time need to pay efforts and effort of the process, but also a need to constantly improve the continuous development of the long-term The following is a summary of my work in this year and self-identification:

Strict self-discipline, consciously strengthen party spirit, political consciousness has been improved

Thought is the guide to action, a person if you want to do a good job, we must first establish their own work As a non-party member, I actively asked to join the party organization, in August 20XX turned over to join the party application, is now a party In my daily work, I have strict demands on myself, consciously accepting the supervision and assistance of Party members and colleagues, persistently overcome my own shortcomings and make up for my own adhere to the Marxist-Leninist position, viewpoint and methodology, adhere to the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and to guide their own learning, work and life As a member of the company, I seriously study and penetrate the company's mainstream cultural thinking, the company's core business philosophy, and actively promote the party spirit, And apply it to the actual work, consistent with the

Second, thirst for knowledge, with an open mind to learn

As the 20XX session of a new employee, and only continue to upgrade their knowledge and technical level, in order to better complete their Work encountered problems do not understand, the humbly to the master and other colleagues for Daily work in the operating area in the morning software work in the afternoon into the scene to see more equipment to see more, and constantly increase their field the same time a serious study of the company's various documents on the management system and norms have a certain understanding of the work of the company to standardize the management of the standard to strict demands on

Third, work hard, conscientiously complete the work tasks

I start from doing my own work and daily work, starting from me, from now on, I have always believed that a hard work, a harvest, so I have been working hard to continuously study and work From the small things around and perseverance, love their own work to be able to take seriously each and every job, work, on time, effective use of working hours, stick to their Equipment failure repair, no matter when they can do the first time to the field atnt operations, and put forward their own programs involved in repair, to ensure the normal operation of equipment as soon as In February 20XX I was employed as a field professional engineer in the I followed the pace of the company to strengthen the theoretical knowledge of learning, and strive to achieve a new understanding of the use of new gains, to guide the practice of theory , To promote the work, improve the level of the purpose of the work, and constantly improve their technical level to guide their Through the theoretical study summary in the classroom, combined with practical problems in the work, "120T converter meters platform operating instructions" were modified, and verify the operating standards have been prepared to apply the applicable standards have been revised, and the monthly new 2 standard operating standards to improve the standardization of Through the dedication in their own work, tirelessly to make achievements, I want to constantly improve their job skills, and strive to master their job knowledge, to do their own work and the backbone of the experts, down to earth to do their

Fourth, work to promote team spirit, to overcome the work of one after another problem

In the usual work, first of all do the daily work, I and other colleagues in the work area both division of labor and cooperation, insist on regular and other technical personnel exchanges, and fully carry forward the democracy, never arbitrary, and thus a more successful completion of the maintenance department The work The first quarter of 20XX in the work area colleagues and the leadership of the strong support of the lead by me to complete the smooth completion of the "alloy material in the position of the bin material electroplating push rod flap card material solution" QC information released to solve the The Material Problem of Electro - hydraulic Push - rod Flap Valve of the 3 - position 120 - ton Converter of Platform The design for the company's annual savings of about 21 And through this activity to enhance the cohesion between colleagues to improve the ability to participate in the program designers to analyze issues and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, the use of existing technical strength for enterprises Taqian In the fourth quarter of 20XX, the QC team was set up in the sub-assembly operation area to improve the alloy chute for the 120-ton The QC data for the "alloy chute increasing life plan" is scheduled to be released in

Summary of eight years of work in the steel, I work on the ideas have made great Of course, the results represent the past, in the future work, I will redouble our efforts to strive to do Because the technology continues to progress and update, only through continuous learning, down-to-earth style, can be competent for their At the same time in the accumulation of future work experience, and gradually develop their own predictability, and constantly in the on-site inspection, supervision at any time to identify problems and solve problems, so that their on-site comprehensive processing capacity continue to get exercise and

Liu Jian

工作总结英文 第10篇





























工作总结英文 第11篇

After a semester of baptism, I deeply feel that when a teacher is not simple, being a teacher is not Require an infinite love, patience, and more importantly, such as needle-like fine mind can create transfer children thrive good education

Class work is work manager, I face is vibrant, thinking, feeling, a strong desire for self-expression graders, so a semester, give me the most intense experience is: class teacher work have both macro management group, but also a micro personality development; also have a strong forward-looking; to work more meticulous in place, the only way to make the overall development of students in health As a first grade teacher, I am against our class lively features, do the following work:

First, strengthen general education, training the children's

He recalled the case of the first month of school, and is more Day, such as "hen hatching" Usually sitting in From sit-stand, raise their hands, queuing, dining You teach A week later, the students gradually learned when every day as So, I combine the work of planning, the use of the morning meeting, the class will equal time, from discipline, learning, health, safety, humanities, , the students standardization of education, so that they understand that what to do, not to do what things . Over time, the student code of conduct much progress has been basically adapted to primary school

Second, more recognition and more incentives to stimulate the child's

Daily morning reading lesson, I will encourage children to read the text in his own way, and in the course of the inspection tour, the students studying seriously big praise, class time called them before talk about the heart, admire their Students' enthusiasm increase every morning reading lesson they learn from reading the Daily cleaning of classrooms and other habits, and I will follow the method of reward morning reading sessions and a comprehensive evaluation at the end of one week to, or have done well in all aspects of progress in certain aspects, in particular bad habits get rid of some, I will award them a star, they spur the use of the child's Praise the children see the class standings stars are particularly happy, and some of them even to the class in the morning to the time to be careful not to see the stars are

Third, and parents more contact, more exchanges and jointly promote the child's

I think that a person can not survive without affecting the The impact on the child's teacher and then a big, if not the response and cooperation of the family, must be weak So I often use when parents pick up the child, and parents communicate, to express their views on the child's education, reflecting the child's performance in school and to make some suggestions and so

Unknowingly passed a semester, the students into the school from now, we can say the children's progress is great, will learn, express, with teachers, students exchange, can take the initiative in health class, and some small when cadres have a kind of mold, and can compare and abide by the rules and regulations of the

Fourth, do the work of transforming backward students

Our class, there are a few Accordingly, Conversion underachiever is an essential work of the I think of poor students should be given special To do ideologically non-discrimination, not emotionally tired, the attitude is not Poor students to use their own piece of sincere love, go knocking on the door of their To be good at discovering their For example: in the classroom do not riveted honors, should give underachiever create conditions to encourage them to raise their hands to speak, be given prompt recognition, rewards, so that they can confidently face Extracurricular active counseling, and more contact with parents for joint home-school students to create a good learning environment, but also to promote the class learning

Fifth, often made with the classroom teachers to contact, to understand students' learning, collaborative student learning purpose of education is to stimulate interest in learning, hard to learn the will of the Church to learn, to learn all the subjects, and master academic burden on students

Through the above working class students discipline, learning, health, daily behavioral norms and so have a greater change, education for the future work to lay the Of course, the working class is a science, you need to continue to explore, in the future I will continue to work, due diligence and do this




回忆起开学第一个月的情形,的确比较辛苦。每天如 “ 母鸡孵蛋 ” 一般坐在班中。从坐站、举手、排队、用餐等一一教起。一个星期之后,学生渐渐地知道了每天何时当做何事。于是,我结合制定的工作计划,利用晨会、班会等时间,从纪律、学习、卫生、安全、人文素养等方面,对学生进行规范化教育,使他们明白该做哪些事情,不该做哪些事情。时间一长,学生的行为规范大有进步,已基本上适应了小学生活。










工作总结英文 第12篇













工作总结英文 第13篇

Annual Personal Summary

The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments.

Annual Summary

I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and

sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.

One year's accumulation(with colleagues’ help) makes me more mature both in attitude and personality. Every success would bring me a little more confidence; every encouragement would make me happy all day long; every positive smile in leader's eyes would make me more staunch. I would like to face the challenges and I am pleasant to conquer any

obstacles in work, in which process my potential seems to be unleashed. I like this kind of sensation and also I hope to win the friendship of all the colleagues.

New Year Wish

I believe 2011 will be my lucky year. I will live my life and do my job with enthusiasm and vibrant spirit. Try to bring the profit to company and meanwhile eich myself with knowledge.

P.S.: I like the collective activities very much, everyone would enjoy the happiness without bothering fussy work. While if we could play together more other than playing seperately, I guess it would be better for our solidarity and friendship.

工作总结英文 第14篇

The year end is coming, before we move on to the new year, it’s high time for all of us to do a review for the year. To me, doing this annual review is like getting a report card. it’s no different with my annual review – except these results aren’t for my studies – they’re bigger. They’re for my life.


what have you experienced this year? what have you learned from them? with every experience we face, there are important things to learn. we can either let these incidences paus by, or we can stop to understand, internalize them, and draw lessons from them. life is your school, and the lessons are dressed up as your everyday incidences. You don’t want to be living year after year without learning from your experiences. That’s just sleepwalking your life away.


There are a lot of lessons which i learn every year. looking back at my review for xx, one of the biggest lessons i learned is that our reactions to life’s situations is a choice, and it’s up to how we make out of situations we encounter. This realization came after a highly intense period at my job. At that time i was already a positive person, but the situation was so out of control that it really made me negative. it was after a short period of feeling miserable that i realized that the reality was such and it was up to me to make the best out of it. i could either sit and bi-tc-h about it which would do absolutely nothing to change the situation, or i could take action and make the best out of it. This small shift in my mindset created a big shift in my reality – it made me a lot more proactive and solution-oriented. it made me realize that many of us generate unnecessary baggage with negative situations in life, and it’s all about taking action to create the lives that we want. Happineis truly a choice.



Because i would write down lessons i learned each time (in my life handbook), i could then build upon my learnings. Rather than deja vuing through life situations, every time i would think about how i could apply what i had learned earlier and how i could do something different. As a result, i kept moving forward in my growth.


2. wrap up what you’ve done this year


many things can happen in a year and this is the perfect time to wrap them up. were there any ups and downs? Did you get a promotion? Did you recently quit your job and joined a new workplace? Did you just start up a business? Did you move to a new place? Did you just end an unhappy relationship? Did you move on from a bad partnership? Any major events took place? or perhaps there are nothing significant that happened?


This is the time to wrap up the year. it’s time to let go of past baggage, tie up the loose ends, tidy up your feelings, and get ready for what’s ahead.


3. Regain focus


After working for a few years, you’d find that the years sort of just start to blend into each other. Soon it’s hard to tell one year apart from the next. Subsequently, it’s so easy to fall into a routine without being conscious of it. Sometimes i hear people commenting that they’re not sure what exactly they’ve been doing with the past few years of their lives, because everything just seems like the same.


it’s just like driving. when you’re driving in a car, it can be hard to see where you are and where you’re heading to. on the other hand, pausing for a short moment to look at the map can be amazingly helpful. where are you right now? How far have you traveled? where do you want to go to? Doing so helps you to regain focus.


like i mentioned above, doing my annual review is like getting the report card for my life. How do i grade myself for this year? Do i give myself an A+? A? B? c? D? or even F? This assessment reminds me if i have lived this year the way i had wanted to.

我之前提到过,写年终总结,就像拿成绩单一样。今年给自己打多少分?A+? A? B? c? D?还是F?这样的自我评估会提醒我,让我反思过去的一年是否是我想要的生活方式。

4. Start the next year on a high note


last but not least, your annual review will help you to start the next year on a high note. As i’m going to share later in the post, doing your review includes setting your goals for the next year. For this year xx, my one single biggest goal was to build this blog. So this year, while other people were figuring out what to make out of their year, i was a person on a mission. By mid-year i had already exceeded some of my goals, and now that it’s the end of the year, i’ve accomplished what i had set out to do at the beginning, and more.


工作总结英文 第15篇

In the past five months, under the leadership of the Department of Engineering Services, and colleagues through the common struggle, after their own positive efforts to do the following

Work attitude, ideological

I am very passionate about my job, I am able to follow the disciplines of the Engineering Department, maintain a responsible work attitude, humble learning, proactive, and constantly improve their technical level, and strive to lead the allocation of each task to do the most it is

Guide the installation

In Jinli permanent magnet installation combat work, through the equipment of the pipeline interface, rectifier cabinets and control cabinet wiring to pay-line installation, deepened my understanding of the equipment process and line power supply and But also trained me to understand the electrical wiring schematic, the ability to connect pipe installation But also to learn the skills of cognitive equipment spare Every step of the installation process is done Found that the installation of lye filter timely and correct Although the smooth completion of the guidance, but through the work found in the control cabinet in the plc model configuration and accessories detailed name, the role of functional understanding is not deep The future focus on some technical drawings, working hours to the material security department cognitive Do not understand the issue of timely advice to colleagues and

Third, equipment testing and debugging

In the workshop on the Saudi equipment test debugging, power plant cndq-10 hydrogen production equipment boot sequence, pid parameter settings, have a certain But also on the working principle of rectification from shallow to deep Before the test to determine through-cylinder is 90 degrees, tee 180 Through ball valve modulation Jordan's pneumatic film regulating valve should do its initial adjustment, debugging process, such as equipment can not reach the system pressure, the actual level does not match with the host computer, pump damage has occurred, should be based on the actual situation of correct

Fourth, the future direction of

Next month focused on the debugging phase of Develop their own ability to find The scene found the problem back to the leadership, more In the future work to make up for deficiencies, work hard to do

工作总结英文 第16篇

Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below.

Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible. This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

In addition, by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent these problems. Annual Traffic & Sales Review

Reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets, keywords or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews.

When you look at the trends over an entire year you can often find months that are higher or lower than normal and can adjust your annual or quarterly plans to maximize these spikes. Keyword Glossaries

Often overlooked are company’s localization glossaries. These are master lists of word pairs that are used in machine translation and translation management tools.

Throughout the year,you may have done a lot of keyword research and modeling that may need to be added to the glossary as well as words replaced with those which have more demand or better match searcher’s intent.

If any new products were added this year, they should be added to the glossary as well to make sure that the most relevant versions are integrated.

Site-Wide Diagnostics

Due the holidays at the end of the year, your workload may decrease giving time to review and clean up many of the common errors that accumulate in Google and Bing Webmaster tools. New Year/New Tactics Lunch & Learn

Schedule a variety of lunch and learns with your various teams to them on any new techniques and updates like avoiding Panda penalties. It is often good t

o any new employees that were added in the past few moths on the best practices they may not be aware of. End Of Life Products

Especially if you managing search for a large company you should meet with the product teams to identify products that are no longer sold. It is common in larger companies and especially in consumer electronics that as product reach their “end of life” for marketing they are removed from the site.

While they are no longer sold, they are still being used by consumers that will need replacement parts, services and hopefully upgrades. You can create a hybrid page that represents these options for consumers and replace the previous product page to allow you to continue to capture those still interested in your products.

Any of these can help find nuggets of opportunities that will help you look good in the first quarter. It will also help you to make budget justifications and support additional headcount or

agency budgets for specific roles.

Most importantly, you should have a good idea of the overall progress and what opportunities you have for improvement in the new year.

工作总结英文 第17篇




首先感谢领导长期以来对我的信任和栽培 ,给了我长期坚守毕业班英语阵地的机会,不负众望,在大家的通力配合下取得了一些成绩,经过一个学期的努力,期末考就是一种考验。无论成绩高低,都体现了我在这学期的教学成果。我明白这并不是最重要的,重要的是在本学期后如何自我提高,如何共同提高三个班的英语水平。因此,无论怎样辛苦,我都会继续努力,多问、多想、多做,争取进步。本学期我担任六年级(4)(5)(6)班的英语教学工作,在教学中我严格遵从教学的五个环节,课前认真课,做到既备教材,又备学生,因材施教,努力实施课堂改革,积极探索小学英语快乐课堂,小学阶段英语教学的目的是:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学习英语的积极性,使他们树立学习英语的自信心,同时培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,为进一步学习打下基础。在英语课堂教学中,怎样创设良好的学习氛围、激发学生的兴趣是搞好小学英语教学的重要一环。




第一、 在课堂上,认真授课,运用电脑、实物教具、简笔画,情景教学、手势语言等方法来启发、教育学生。教学生做游戏、唱英语歌等来激发学生的学习兴趣。鼓励学生大胆质疑,注重以学生为主体、教师为导的教学方法,充分调动学生的学习积极性。学生有疑难和不懂读的地方,我总是不厌其烦地讲解、分析、带读,力争让他们学了就懂,懂了会用。

第二、 在批改作业方面。学生的作业总是按时及时地批改,并详细地做好批注,对普遍性错误,在全班重复讲解、分析。针对个别学生的作业还采取面批方法,一一分析讲解、帮助学生解决疑难习题,大大提高了教学质量。

第三、 在听力方面。为提高学生的听力水平,常让学生听英语歌曲及英语会话的录音磁带,还让学生表演对话,背书。









工作总结英文 第18篇









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